Chapter 12 - Stranded

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~ Nick's POV ~

George, Karl, Quackity, and I were simply sitting in the car while we were waiting for Clay to get back from trying to get help.

Now, you'd probably like some context. That I can give you.

Earlier, while Clay and I were outside, we were debating on what to do. He wanted to go out and get help, while I wanted to call 911. We had a light argument, but either way, Clay's option won.

I was fidgeting around with the button that controls my window, pushing and pulling it, so that the window kept going up and down. I was holding my phone, face-down, on my leg, while I was looking out of the windshield. I was looking at Twitter, but I got so bored from liking random tweets that I could have seen throwing my phone out of the window as a source of entertainment.

I looked to the back to see what the others were doing. Mainly to keep myself from actually throwing my phone out of the window.

Of course, George fell asleep and was leaning his head on the window. Quackity was rummaging around in the back to see if there was anything that he could use for entertainment (I assume, otherwise he would be looking for something to steal), and Karl was most likely watching YouTube on his phone, as he had his earbuds in. He, too, looked like he could fall asleep at any minute.

At this point, I was so temped to call 911 for help because it's almost been an hour since Clay left, and he hasn't called. I wouldn't be surprised if his phone died, as he didn't charge it during the car ride.

I stopped fidgeting around with the button and let my head fall onto the window to my right.

I put my hands on my face and groaned, "THIS IS TAKING FOREVER!"

Realizing how loud I said that, George stirred a bit, and Karl and Quackity just looked at me.

"Sorry, guys." I took my hands off of my face and looked out of the window again.

Just then, I saw Clay coming back with another person.

"Well, isn't that a miracle," I sarcastically mumbled.

Karl noticed and walked out of the car and waved to him.

Quackity elbowed George to get him to wake up, and he abruptly did. Of course, he's still half-asleep at the moment.

Both Quackity and George got out of the car, so I did too.

We got introduced to a man who seemed to have a tow truck, and so we got Clay's car towed to a mechanic for it to get fixed. With Karl and George still in the car. (Yes, they almost got hurt.)

When his car got fixed, we drove back to our neighborhood, stopping at a McDonald's along the way. We all stayed quiet besides when we decided to have a food fight. (Clay started it. As the driver. Somehow.)

Don't ask any questions, we're just like this sometimes.

Needless to say, today has been very chaotic.

Then again, it's always chaotic, just not this kind of chaotic.

Kind of hoping this'll happen again, to be entirely honest.


~513 Words~

Apologies that this chapter didn't come out sooner, I took a really big break (without notice, sorry for that).

I most likely will not be working on this book again, but maybe I will if I get really bored one way.

Thanks for reading!

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