Chapter 6 - Unexpected Meeting

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~ George's POV ~

Goddamn. Who knew P.E. was so hard, even on the first day? I don't know how these people ever got through.

As I'm walking to my locker, I run into Clay and Nick, who also, of course, are walking to their locker as well.

Nick, being the one facing his head towards me, notices me first.

"Hey, George!"

"Don't you mean GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap?"

What the fuck did Clay just say? 

I was right in front of my locker trying to unlock the lock when he said that, so when I look up, I'm faced with the blue metal instead of a face, which is kind of ironic considering that I can see Clay looking at me through the corner of my eye.

"Don't say anything, I know what you're thinking. Last period, we made nicknames for each other. I'm Dream, Nick is Sapnap, and you're, as you just heard, GeorgeNotFound."

I put away my notebooks, pencil case, and binder and closed my locker before responding.

"Mhm. Why 'GeorgeNotFound' for me, though?"

Nick, or should I say, Sapnap came over to us from putting away his stuff a few lockers over.

"Isn't it obvious? You weren't in the class, so it fits."

"Whatever." I laughed my slight embarrassment off.

As we were walking away from the lockers, we ran into Karl.

"Oh, hey guys!"

Obviously, Nick was the first to talk. Should I be calling him Sapnap? Whatever, that name's strange to me anyway.

"Hey Karl! What are you doing here?"

"Just trying to find something to do for the free period. Actually, I was going to head to the library, wanna come along?"

Both Nick and Karl looked at Clay and I. He shrugged and I said, "Sure!"

My few friends in my old school always called me a bookworm, and sometimes a nerd. I didn't mind, I knew that they were only doing it for fun, and it's true. Well, the bookworm part is. The reason why? Well, I went to the school library basically every other day, and I even said in a truth or dare once that I could stay in the library for weeks on end, maybe even months.

Anyway, Clay, looking for a little fun, yelled "Race you guys!" out of nowhere.

I sighed. Believe me, I am not good at running. And, whatever happened to Clay not wanting to get into trouble?

Not caring, and wanting to join in on the fun, I decided to run along with them.

The thing is, this race didn't exactly go as planned.

I was trailing behind, as I expected. Everyone was a few feet ahead of me, Karl being the closest. I tried to go fast, and I believed I was, but the others just happen to be faster. I'm not surprised, not even for Karl.

However, this causes one problem. As I don't have to worry about anyone being behind me, I thought that I didn't have to worry about anyone in front of me. I know, strange logic.

I was closing my eyes while laughing and not paying attention to basically anything around me. So, this caused me to crash into another person in the hall.

Three things happen after: I hit my head on the ground pretty hard, which causes me to almost pass out, and that causes me to have a headache and become dizzy, and then everyone in the hall looks at me, even though it's just Clay, Nick, Karl, and this random person. Still embarrassing.

Once I get over the pain and grasp what just happened, I see that the person who I crashed into is holding their hand out for me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Considering that my hand is really sweaty, I got up by myself.

"Sorry that I didn't take your hand, my hand is kinda-"

Wait a goddamn minute. One look at this person and a wave of familiarity washes over me.

Dyed, long, pink hair, iconic white shirt and red pants, holding a book that says "The Art of War", and a crown and pig skull mask on top of the book.


"Huh? How do you- wait- George?"

The others finally came over to see what was going on.

Everyone had questions and started to speak at the same time.

"George, do you know who this is?"

"Is this one of the people you were talking about earlier?"

"Dude, I like your hair!"

Techno just looked at me while I was trying to calm them down.

"Okay, okay, guys, calm down for a second. This is Techno, one of my best friends. I haven't seen him in a few years after he moved to America."

I waited for someone to say something for a few seconds before continuing.

"Techno, these are my friends. Karl, Nick, and Clay."

Karl seemed excited to see him. "Hello, I'm Karl! George told me about you and your family earlier." That must be why.

Techno reached his free hand out for a handshake. "Nice to meet you!"

As he shook Techno's hand, Karl looked like he had stars in his eyes.

When he let go of Karl's hand, Techno looked at the others.

"Hello! It's Clay and Nick, right?"

"Yeah, I'm Nick. I like your hair, is it real?"

"Yup! I grew it out and dyed it myself."

Clay spoke up after a bit. "Well, I can see the brown, so of course it's real." Nick elbowed him in the chest.

Techno laughed. "It's alright, Clay. I get judged all the time, but I'm used to it, and I don't really mind."

After a bit of silence, Techno spoke again. "So, George, you're alright, right? You don't need to go to the nurse or anything?"

"I'm alright. I don't feel dizzy anymore, and my headache is mostly gone. Also, I don't feel like going to the nurse's office on the first day of school."

Karl's bubby, excited self emerged once again.

"So, if you're okay, could we still go to the library? It was our original plan, and we still have a few minutes!"

"Of course, Karl. Actually, I was just heading to the library to renew this book here. I've been planning to buy it for myself, but I haven't found the time." Techno held up the book in his arm. Or, tried to, with the crown and pig skull mask on it.

Clay examined the book cover. "The Art of War? Hm, so you're a big violence fan?" Nick kicked him in the shin. "Ow! Okay, okay, I'll stop!"

Nick looked as if he was about to punch him until he said that. "Okay then." He clapped his hands together and changed personalities in an instant. "Alright, let's go to the library! And, no more racing, please? We don't want poor Gogy here to get hurt again."

"Do not call me that!"

Everyone laughed, even Techno.

I, of course, didn't even crack a smirk. "Whatever." I checked my phone, which, surprisingly, didn't fall out of my pocket. "We have 10 minutes left, so let's go."

We all talked while walking over to the library with our feet in sync, and with a new friend in our group. Well, I wouldn't call him a new friend, at least to me. Just a long-lost one.


~1222 Words~

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