Chapter 10 - Duck, Duck, Goose

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~ Nick's POV ~

When I woke up again, it was almost pitch black, except for the dim light coming from George's bedroom window, which I assume is from a streetlamp outside.

I picked up my phone, which was on the ground, and checked the time.

1am. Great. I looked over at Clay and George, who were resting on top of each other.

I let out a partially audible groan, as I knew that I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep again anytime soon, now that I'm fully awake.

I looked down and realized that I had a blanket over me. Clay and George did as well.

Huh. Did George's mom do this? Probably. George was fast asleep earlier, and I assume that Clay wouldn't know where the blankets were.

It was a few minutes before I got bored from my own thoughts and got up to look out the window for no reason.

I could slightly feel the cold air against my face when I got close to the glass.

I glanced over at the lake behind the small forest behind our houses after a little bit.

Looks like the ducks were awake too. And... wait, is that another person... feeding the ducks?

I understand other people being awake at this time for any reason, but being outside? And feeding ducks, out of all things?

I stared outside for a while more (and glanced at the person a few times) before looking at the clock again and realized it had been 30 minutes already.

I sighed and turned around before realizing that George was stirring. A lot. Most likely a sign that he's going to wake up soon.

Slightly panicking, I froze on the spot.

George did indeed wake up and happened to turn around almost as soon as he did.

"Nick? What are you doing awake?" He was rubbing his eyes and his voice was extremely groggy.

"Oh, uh... don't worry about it, George."

"Mm..." I could tell that he was still really tired but wanted to stay awake for me so that I wasn't alone.

I stood there, fidgeting around with my hands while George looked like he could pass out any second. 

"So, um, George..." 

He looked at me with heavy eyelids. "Hm?"

"So, y'know how-?"

And that's when Clay decided to wake up.

"Would you guys stop being so loud?" He mumbled.

George turned his head to look over at him and I looked everywhere but the two of them.

Clay glanced over at me. He definitely looked more awake than George, that's for sure.

"Why are you standing near the window?"

"Got bored, I guess. I've been awake for an hour or so."

I looked over to the window and saw that the person was still fucking there.

One question that I just needed to answer: who was that?

Curiosity got the best of me, and I said to the two: "I'll be back."

Clay got up, not leaving any regard for George resting his head on him. (George's head shot right up and went, "Huh, what?")

"Where the hell are you going?"

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