Chapter 9 - Pleasant Surprise

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~ George's Mom's POV ~

It was around 6pm when I got home. I assumed that George was still with Nick and Clay, though I'm not so sure that they ate dinner.

Surprisingly, when I got into the house, it was eerily quiet. All the lights were turned off downstairs, and there wasn't a light coming from upstairs. 

"George? I'm home!" No answer.

I put down my bag and went upstairs to his room.

I knocked on the door before entering, and again, there was no answer.

When I opened it, I was greeted with an unexpected -- but pleasant -- surprise.

Clay and George were laying their heads on top of each other, and Nick was laying down on the couch. I assumed that they were all sleeping, and it was pretty easy to tell that they were, as Nick was snoring.

Smiling, I went over to the closet next to George's room and got two blankets.

I entered the room and went over to where they were all taking a nap. I draped one of the blankets over Nick, and the other blanket over Clay and George.

I couldn't stop smiling as I was leaving the room.

Closing the door softly, I thought, adorable. What? They are. I just hope that their relationship keeps going like this.


~209 Words~

Hi! I'm Goldie, the author of this story. Apologies that this chapter was so short, I just wanted to show George's mom's POV of this situation. 

Possibly more DNF soon ;)

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