Chapter 3 - Time is Ticking!

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~ George's POV ~

[ A Few Months Later ]

We moved to America a week after school ended 3 months ago. I had just finished my sophomore year, so this year I was moving up to being a junior.

In the months that passed, Clay, Nick, and I had become good friends. I learned that we were all the same age, and going to the same school, of course.

A/N: For story purposes, their real age gaps aren't going to be used. I was originally going to use their real age gaps, but then Sapnap would be in middle school, and this is a high school AU.

At first, I was nervous to go to a new high school. Everyone would be, right? But, as weird as this may sound, I had Clay and Nick with me, so I didn't have to be scared. At least, that's what they told me. forward to the first day of school. I'm rushing to get ready and panicking like crazy. I overslept. Of course I did. Nick and Clay are coming to pick me up in less than 10 minutes, and I can't even find an outfit to wear.

After a few minutes, I gave up and picked a random outfit. Luckily, it wasn't embarrassing enough to not wear to school. 

I put it on and rushed to the bathroom to try and finish getting ready. I didn't even care if I didn't eat breakfast at this point.

I combed my hair a bit and brushed my teeth with only a few minutes to spare.

When I went downstairs, they were already there. What more did I expect? Nick and Clay also live next door to me, so they'd obviously get here quickly.

Being the more social one, Clay was the first to talk. "Hey George! Ready to go?"

Nick looked at me like he was judging me. And of course, he was. "Damn, you look like a mess."

And that's when I realized what I looked like. One of my socks was barely on, I was wearing my shirt backwards, and I combed my hair in all different directions. Don't ask me how.

I sighed, frustratingly. "I'll be right back." I immediately ran to the nearest bathroom to try to fix myself.

As quick as possible, I took off my shirt, put it back on (the right way around this time), put the rest of my sock on, and fixed my hair. Alright, now I looked fine.

I walked back out - slower this time - to see my bag at Nick's feet. Apparently, my mom packed everything already. That's a complete lie. I know that Clay, Nick, and my mom worked together to pack my bag, because I was too lazy to pack it the night before, as my mom says.

I'm so grateful for my family and friends. I walked over to pick up my bag and picked it up. "Thanks, mom."

"You're welcome, sweetie. Oh! I almost forgot; I have your sweater." She tossed across to me.

I put down my bag and put it on. Then, I picked it up again. "Thanks." I smiled.

Clay checked his phone. "Oh, guys? We have to go."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked it as well. "Oh, crap. Alright then, see you later, mom!"

She waved to the three of us as we went out to the front door.

We walked over to Clay's car, which was actually kind of big on the inside, considering the size on the outside. Maybe it's just clean.

Clay was in the driver's seat (of course, it's his car), Nick in the passenger seat, and I'm laying down in the back with my backpack on the floor.  As I'm scrolling through Twitter on my phone while we leave the driveway, I realized something.

"Wait- Clay, you know how to drive?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah, I know how to drive. I got my permit to drive last year, and I got my official license recently." He smirked, as if he was proud to learn how to drive. Which he was, as I found out a few seconds later.

"That again?" Nick looked at me. "He's been bragging about learning how to drive ever since he got in the driver's seat!" He laughed, which Clay responded to with an elbow to the arm. I laughed too. You can tell that they've been friends for years.

After a few moments of silence and each of us looking at one another for no reason, Clay said, "How about we play some music?"

"Oh God, please don't play Roadtrip, Clay." Nick sounded horrified but amused.

Clay responded with a laugh and played the song on almost full volume with the windows down.

I laughed as well, to the point where my chest started hurting. "Did you make this song, Clay?"

"Well, yeah, of course! Can't you tell?" The song was so loud that everyone had to yell to hear each other, but no one wanted to turn it down. On top of the loud music, we were laughing like crazy. We were talking about if someone heard us, but we didn't care either. It was like the whole world didn't care.

When we got to the school, the song ended. Perfect timing, huh? Everyone was piling into the school and trying to get in through the double doors at once. 

Clay parked the car, and we all got out. I picked up my bag, took a deep breath, and walked towards the school with my friends.

Somehow, I was more excited than nervous.

But that's how I know that today is the start of a new life.


~952 Words~

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