Chapter 11 - Roadtrip

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~ Nick's POV ~

We didn't get much sleep the rest of the night. We continued to watch Hamilton after we got home and played video games most of the time.

At one point, both Clay and I were on our phones while George was reading a book. It was 7 in the morning, and we were all clearly tired.

Even so, none of us passed out from the lack of sleep. For Clay and I, maybe it was because of the blue light emitting from our phones, but for George, I'm surprised.

Anyway, both Clay and I were texting in a group chat that we were in. It consisted of Karl, Quackity (also known as Alex), Clay, and me. We called ourselves 'The Feral Boys' because of how crazy and chaotic we were.

I was looking over at Clay wheeze-laughing because of how much he was teasing Karl, and inspiration struck when George glanced over at us with a smile.

I rapidly typed into my phone, and about a minute later, George's phone dinged.

If you're wondering, yes, he was added to the group chat.


The Conversation:

Dream: is your boyfriend going to come save you now, karl? XD

Karl: SHUT UP!!! Nick isn't my boyfriend.

Sapnap: stfu, clay.

Dream: yeah, yeah, whatever.

Sapnap: hey guys, could i add george to the group chat?

Quackity: sure, but why? that was a bit unexpected.

Sapnap: the more, the merrier, i guess. thanks :)

Quackity: of course.

"George" was added to the chat.

George: why the hell am i here? 😂

Karl: look up.

George. oh.

Dream: hey guys, i have an idea.

Sapnap: what?

Dream: wanna go on a roadtrip? :D

Quackity: sure, why not. does anyone here have things to do?

Karl: no, i don't think so.

George: not really.

Quackity: guess we're going, then. clay, you're driving.

Dream: fine. all of you better be ready in at least 10 minutes.

Karl: sounds good! see you guys then!

Karl has gone offline.

Dream has gone offline.

Sapnap has gone offline.

George has gone offline.

Quackity has gone offline.


I looked over at Clay as he was getting up and putting his phone in his pocket. "Where's my jacket?"

George had pointed over to his bedframe, where all of our jackets were hanging off of the edge.

Clay walked over and picked up all of the jackets. He tossed one jacket to George and I, and kept one for himself, obviously.

George and I got up, and we all put on our jackets. Clay checked in his pockets to see if his keys were there, and once he took them out, he said, "Alright, let's go."

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