Chapter 11

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*Author's Note; I have never experienced a death in my family that I remember, so I'm not entirely sure of the process. This is just what I assume would happen when planning a funeral.*

The funeral directors we were signed too arrived at the hospital the next day to pick up Taylah's body. Aria and Ezra couldn't bare to watch the process, so they sat in the waiting room for the duration of the pick up.
"Here they come" Ezra says calmly.
Two middle aged men came walking through the waiting room, a body laying atop the stretcher, with a blanket to cover Taylah from prying eyes.
The situation was too much for Aria to handle, she got up and bolted to the toilets. Ezra assumed she was tossing cookies. He felt like it himself.
Ezra got up and followed the men as they were about to put their daughter in their van. He wanted to make sure they did it cautiously.
"You the father?" the older of the two asked.
"Yeah..." Ezra replied.
"I'm sorry for your lose. I know what you're going through. My son not long ago died of a brain tumour." he stated sadly.
"How did you get through it?" Ezra asked.
"I didn't. I still can't live with myself to this day. I can't dwell on it though; as awful as it is but what's done is done. Mourning won't change it. So I created a business out of it, to help other people know that their children were in good hands." he explained.
Before long they had arrived at the van.
"Aaron get the door would you?" the man asked after they lay Taylah's stretcher on the pavement with Taylah's body in his arms.
Aaron opened the two sliding doors and picked up the stretcher. Rolling it up, he placed it in the back.
Inside of the van was a bed, bolted to the floor. A seat with a seatbelt sat next to it; to ensure the body wouldn't roll off whilst driving.
Aaron climbed into the back and the older man handed him the body carefully. It seemed very sincere, the way they went about things. They didn't put her on the floor once or treat her like a body. They treated her like a prized procession; Ezra was flattered by the action.
"John I don't like this" Aaron said.
The man, who was now known as John replied "I know it's hard, just think how grateful she would be."
Aaron placed Taylah gently on the bed. He removed the covers from her to reveal a sleep stricken girl. He pulled the blankets over her, giving the impression that she was indeed sleeping.
"Such a waste. She's a beautiful girl. Once again, I'm deeply sorry for all that's happened. I hope we celebrate her life fulfilling enough. I do hope we meet your standards" John cries to Ezra.
Ezra was touched. A man he just met was crying over the loss of Taylah, although he only met her in death.
"Do come by to up the parlour tomorrow to drop off her clothes. You can dress her if you like. It's the least we can do."
A tear escapes Ezra's eyes. Dress her? How? He couldn't do it. It would be too hard.
"Will do" he replies.
John gives a curt nod.
"We can discuss her funeral tomorrow. Until then, try to get some sleep."
With that, he and Aaron get in the van and take off.

Aria comes out moments later.
"Are they gone already?" she asks sadly.
"It's okay. We'll see her tomorrow."

*1 hour later*
Aria's POV

"Ezra, I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight" I whisper.
Ezra grumbles in response.
"Me neither" he admits.
"Kiss me."
"I need you too. I need to feel something other then shit. I need to forget everything, even if it's just for a split second." I say.
It was true. Ezra always made me feel happy; even in moments when I shouldn't.

He turns around to face me. His eyes searching mine. In an instant our lips meet. I felt some sort of thrill go through my body. Not a sexual one, more of an unexpected one, as though my body didn't expect some sort of relief for a few days. I lean more into the kiss; desperate for more. Our kiss soon enough becomes heated. We were searching each other for support. Love. Happiness. Something I haven't felt in what was only two days, but felt like more. I needed more then this. It wasn't enough.
Swinging my leg over him, I found myself straddling him. I could feel his manhood grow hard underneath me. My hands find their way to his button down shirt, they fumble around for a while before I give up and have to break away to actually un do them.
God damn it Aria get a grip.
Once I un do all the buttons, I rip his shirt of... Literally. I tear of one of the cuffs.
How un sexy could I get?
Ezra laughs as I throw it to the floor.
"I never liked that shirt anyway" he says.
Things became heated once again.
Ezra's hands search around the end of my shirt before lifting over my head.
I hear the shirt knock over a vase and smash on the ground.
We both laugh to ourselves, we could never make sex serious.
Ezra's fingers swiftly undo the clasps on my red laced bra, this time he only places it on the floor.
Ezra's tongue pokes at my mouth, begging for entrance.
He slides it into my mouth and searches for my tongue.
With a quick movement he switches us around; he on top and I on my back.
I feel his hands search up my stomach towards my breasts. He was teasing me, little fucker.
I loose all control I had in me and quickly undo his fly and button. I slide of his jeans and throw them somewhere in the room. He does the same back to me; removing my shorts instead.
I get nervous at this point; I always do.
I grab at the waistband of his boxers and tug him down his legs.
Mwahaha he was naked now, I cackled to myself. I was so classy.
Ezra pulls away before gathering his boxers and putting them back on.
What the fuck?
"What are you doing?" I ask nervously.
Did I do something wrong?
He hears the nervousness in my tone.
"I can't do this" he whispers.
"Is it me?" I ask.
He looks at me sympathetically.
"No, that was great and stuff; I love you. But I'm not feeling it; especially cause our daughter has sort of passed away" he says.
I understand what he means, but I am still disappointed.
I grab my bra and put it back on.
"I just want to hold you" he says.

For the rest of the night we just sleep in each other's arms; reminding each other that we'll get through it. Our body heat was the only thing keeping us from freezing to death.

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