Rebekah & Hayley ; one

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"This is something I just thought of but can you do an imagine and the reader is Rebekah and Hayley's daughter and they found out the reader is secretly dating someone so they turn really protective"

Warnings: Referenced underage drinking, underage sex (mentioned), implied attempted rape/non-con, canon-typical violence.

"I-I'm just with my friend, mom!" You said, gasping slightly when Hunter placed a kiss on your shoulder. "Okay. Your uncles are coming home soon for dinner; you can bring your friend if you want." "Yeah, bring me, your friend," Hunter teased. "Y-yeah, I'll ask him!" "Him?!" Your mother screeched, and you hung up. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry, Hunt-" "You still haven't told them about me," he interrupted, a little sadly. "I've been meaning to, it's just... I'm scared." "Scared of what? They seem really chill." "They are... it's just, they're really protective." "They are?" Hunter frowned, thinking of the time when they had let you take him to a bar with a fake ID and when they had let you and a group of your friends (including Hunter) rent a hotel room. "Um," you flushed. "Things regarding... boys." "Oh." Hunter didn't really look like he understood and you sighed, wanting to clear the misunderstanding with him up. "Come with me to dinner at my house... if you want."


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You led Hunter, hand in his hand, into your home and breathed a sigh of relief when you realized that the dining table was bare of any glasses of blood. "Hi guys," you said softly, but you knew that they all heard you. Every head turned towards you; you were truly the second miracle child of the family. "Who is the young gentleman?" One of your mothers addressed. "This... this is Hunter." "My boyfriend," you included. "Your what?!" Hayley shrieked, and Rebekah had to restrain her from tackling your poor boyfriend. "It's nice to meet all of you," Hunter said, ignoring what had just happened.

"You're a handsome young man. Sit," your uncle Kol ordered gently. Hunter sat next to him, sensing that he'd lose his life if he sat next to your mothers. Hayley was still fuming and refused to look Hunter in the eye. "Mom," you attempted. "Come on, Hayley, at least talk to him," Rebekah chided her. "Fine... What are your intentions for my daughter?" Without missing a beat, Hunter replied, "I love her, and I want to make her happy." "Have you had sex with her?" "Mom!" Hunter turned as white as a ghost, and his eyes moved quickly around until they met your nervous ones. "Well, have you?" She sniped. You stood up with a bang, your plate clattering to the floor. "What the hell is wrong with you? His sex life is none of your business!" You grabbed Hunter's hand, and he eagerly enveloped your hand with his larger one. "Let's go," you commanded, your heart racing from embarrassment.

"That was so embarrassing, Hunt," you cried, nearly in tears. "Thank you for getting me out of there." "I told you that they were protective." "Well, maybe they should know. You are only fifteen." "Yeah, but you're not that much older than me, Hunt... and I don't think me getting pregnant is what they're worried about, anyway."


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You snuck into the abattoir, whispering a silencing spell when you were met with your unimpressed moms standing in front of you in the main room. You let out a surprised squeak. "You're grounded," you heard. "Fine," you said sharply. It wasn't like you weren't a witch with magic that could teleport. "What were you thinking, sneaking off with a boy older than you like that?" "He's 17!" You yelled. "And if you were so curious about our sex life, why didn't you just ask me?!" You exploded. "We were worried that you would lie." "What did you want to know? That I'm sleeping with him?" Both of their faces fell. "I know you're scared I'll get hurt, but I love him, mom." "Boys can be unpredictable. We just don't want you getting hurt like we have both have been before." "Did you know that the first time I had sex was when I broke my curse?" "When- when you were 13?" "I thought I was in love with a boy. He was much older than me, 19, and he used me because I was homeless and needed money. He knew that I'd do whatever he asked me to do." "And then what happened?" You asked, fearing the next words that were going to come out of her mouth. "He asked me to do something disgusting with a group of men that I had never even met before and... I killed him." Her face fell as she spoke. "He was the third person I ever killed." You suddenly understood her protectiveness over you. "I'm sorry I was so mean to you at dinner, mom. Both of you. Neither of you deserved it." Your other mother pulled you both into a big hug, making you laugh.

2 years later.

"Hunter...?" You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Your boyfriend was crouched over a big group of dead vampires, a wooden stake in his hand. "H-hunter... tell me you didn't... tell me you didn't do this." He turned to look at you and his face was emotionless perfect indifference. "Why didn't you tell me what your family was? What you were?" "I'm sorry, Hunt-" "No, you're not!" He threw the wooden stake in your general direction but you sidestepped it easily. "I dated a vampire!" I'm not a vampire, almost slipped out of your mouth but you knew that it didn't matter. In his eyes, you were just a monster. "Hunter, I was trying to protect myself, I was trying to protect my family," you tried, even though you knew that he wasn't the right guy for you, even though the relationship was going to end. "Protect them? What the fuck do they need protecting from?" "They need protecting from assholes like you!" You spat. You started to turn away, you needed to tell your family about him before he found out about the mass of vampire haters in New Orleans. But you couldn't get very far before something sharp and painful lodged itself in your chest.

 But you couldn't get very far before something sharp and painful lodged itself in your chest

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