They comfort you

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Warnings: Car Accident, necromancy.

You manage to escape your burning car. Your parents are there, but you can't go back. You can almost hear their screams as the fire grows larger and larger.

"Motus!" Hope runs towards you. "Hey! Y/N, Y/N! I'm here." She says, pulling you into a hug when she notices that you're crying. "Did you save my parents?" You manage to ask. "There was no way to...they passed out from the lack of oxygen inside their car..." "Please, bring them back! You can do that, right?" You cry. "...I'll try." She says hesitantly, even though she knows that bringing someone back to life can really fuck up nature.


Warnings: Blood, murder.

"They told me to kill him, Hayley." You had scrubbed your hands so hard that they had bled, but you still couldn't get rid of the smell of blood. "Kill who?" She asked, concerned. "M-Marcel." You couldn't believe it. He had been your friend. "I'm sure they had a reason..." Hayley said. You shook your head. Of course, Hayley was automatically defending the Mikaelsons. " I betrayed him, and for what, for people that I've known for a year?" You just felt like a horrible person. You knew that, but you just hated yourself. "You trusted them. I know that they had a reason." Hayley assured them. "And you know why they told me to do it? Because they didn't want to get their fucking hands dirty." You cried, falling to your knees. Hayley kneeled so that she was on your level. "None of this is your fault. I'm so sorry that you had to do it." "I'm just like them, Hayley! No, I'm worse. I best friend." Hayley had never cared for Marcel, he had seemed like a self-obsessed prick to her, but she knew what it felt like to lose a friend.

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