Elijah Mikaelson ; imagine three

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Requested by love_2412

"Elijah x reader bdsm orgasm denial smut"

Warnings: Explicit smut, orgasm denial, sex, non-con elements, talk of masturbation, rough sex, unprotected sex, light biting.

You were so close... from just this alone. His clothed thigh was soaked from your wetness and he groaned from how close your body was to where he wanted it. "I'm cl-" "No, don't come." You let out a disbelieving whine but stopped. You clenched around nothing and your body was shaking from how much you needed to come. "Elijah, please... why?" "Because I don't want you to come from just this." Finally. He was going to fuck you. You were going to have him inside you for the first time in forever. Panting, you undid his belt. "That's for later. I want to focus on you first." "No. Fuck me," you growled, situating yourself over him. "We haven't done this in so long, Y/N. I want to make you feel good. I have to." He pushed you down onto his bed and placed a soft kiss between your legs. You let out another cry. "Shh, patience, darling." Half of him wanted to just fuck you then and there, part your thighs, and let himself sink inside you-- done with patience and waiting. The other half wanted to see how far the game could go before you began begging his name.

You ground up, up, the space between you closed to nothing and harsh breath hissed with every surge and retreat, and the slick drag of heat and pressure against skin that has only known the touch of his hand for quite a while was almost too much for Elijah to bear. Weightlessness swooped in his gut and the squeeze of your leg wrapping around the back of his thigh punched a groan from Elijah's chest like a blade cracking through ice, and he hung in trembling suspension for the moment of breathless exhilaration that came before the fall.

If I don't stop now I'm done for, was his last clear thought and it rang true: the throb between his legs he could mostly ignore (the sight of his hands on your skin, he wants more to touch rather than being touched himself) was no longer distant which promised an end before he had even begun if he couldn't pull back from the edge that raced towards him. You didn't seem to care, your hands were branding and hot, everywhere all at once as they stroked over Elijah's back, grasped his hip, clutched at the swell of his backside with greedy fingers that promised tender bruises with the fierceness of their hold. "Elijah," and it was a moan, not the demand you were aiming for, you were shuddering low and your hips were snapping hard as you shoved between the squeezing press of Elijah's thighs, helpless against the urge to thrust that rolled down your spine. "Elijah, we need to-- I want to-- not yet."

You groaned, a wordless grunt of frustration against the curve of Elijah's neck, and your hands stopped as you shuddered beneath the press of Elijah's weight on you, all the planes and edges of your body locked into stillness as you sank into the bed. "Okay," you rasped, and his hair stuck to his skin as he pushed his face into your shoulder. "Okay, not yet, okay." The words were a struggle, clearly, and you almost collapsed in sheer relief, you weren't alone in this, and Elijah would always meet you where you were, no matter how or why.

"What do you need?" "Maybe... to slow down a little, like you wanted." You swallowed, throat tight. "Not stop, I just don't want to... um." "Um?" Elijah repeated and amusement threaded through the husk of his voice and the chest you laid on shook with laughter as he chuckled. "And here I thought your stamina would leave me in the dust." He sighed happily and nudged the tip of his nose against your chin, his breath warm and tickling with every exhale. "Ah, the impatience of youth." "You're 27," you said flatly, but you couldn't even pretend to be mad, you were still lightheaded from the orgasm barely averted. "27 isn't ancient." "I haven't been 27 for a long time," and Elijah's lips pressed and clung, the lightest of kisses as he spoke. His arms were still trembling a little and one hand rose from your back to thread his fingers through sweat-soaked hair, combing it away from your face as your head sank back into the pillows. His other hand slipped down once more, tucked beneath the swell of your ass, and you couldn't help the squeak that chipped through your teeth as Elijah squeezed a good handful and hummed as he did so. "Still, old man that I am, I can be patient."

"Stop that," you gasped and flopped forward, entirely unprepared for the movement of his hips beneath you and the branding drag of heat against sensitive skin makes your eyes roll even as you scrunched them shut. "You keep-- you keep touching me and I can't think." Elijah chuckled again, soft and dark. "Ah, kjære, that's kind of the point." His fingers squeezed again and then slipped delicately lower and that feather-light touch was enough to make you gasp and bump your forehead against Elijah's collarbone.

"I mean it, Elijah." And it was meant to be a growl, a demand, but it was a breathy whine that came out.

"Ready, my darling?" You replied,  "Yes, please, yes!" Elijah smirked and pounded into you, not waiting for you to adjust to his size, you had waited enough.

As soon as he was all the way inside of you, you gasped and moaned loudly. "Oh, God!" You shouted while your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs wrapped around his waist. This gave him more access as he continued to pound into you, deep groans and moans of pleasure filled his ears as he thrust into you fast and rough.

Your eyes fluttered shut and you knew that you were about to come. His uncharacteristically rough and hard thrusts were ruthless as he pounded into you.

He bit the soft skin on your neck which made you gasp out more than you already were. He was a master at pleasuring a woman.

Elijah's hard thrusting was almost too much to bear as you crashed down into a mind-shattering, mind-numbing, mind-blowing orgasm. As you came around him, your walls squeezed him deliciously which made both of you feel even better than before. Your boyfriend did not stop his thrusts, if anything, they became even harder.

Your legs grew weak and Elijah had to move them to make sure they stayed wrapped around his waist and your arms around his neck.

He bit down on your shoulder, making you scream in pleasure once again.

His thrusts became sloppy as he focused on keeping them fast and slightly rough, his rhythm failing as he neared his release.

After one particularly hard thrust, you found yourself coming once again and this time, Elijah joined you as you screamed in pleasure. His voice was deep and his breath was gone as he said your name, "Y/N!" Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you squeezed your eyes shut. You yelled out, the French words rolling off of your tongue easily, "Je t'aime tellement, Elijah!"

You both rode out your orgasms, your heads so up in the sky you couldn't think straight.

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