You're A Werewolf

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Warnings: Rough kissing, explicit smut (female reader), unprotected lesbian sex.

"Elena, please... don't..." "Don't hide from me. I want to see all of you." You were sure she'd regret that. You blinked furiously, trying to get rid of the gold inside your eyes. "Oh, Y/N. You're beautiful." You froze. "I'm not. I'm ugly. I'm a monster." "If you were a monster, wouldn't I be running away screaming right now?" You gave her a half-smile and stepped closer to her, close enough that Elena could see the silver band in your eyes that she had never noticed before. And then it's more. She needed more.

Your mouth captured hers and your head tilted to the left because you always leaned that way, and she loved that she knew this. Your hands raised her onto you as her fingertips traced the line of your jaw.

Your fingers found hers and guided her arm around your neck because you knew, always knew, and you must have been feeling the same because you kissed her roughly and crushing her against you and nothing felt as good as you did.

She pushed against your chest while holding your necklace in her fingers, and you caved. Your back hit the nearest wall and there was something in her way, so she kicked it and pushed and the crash didn't matter though; all she could hear was your gasping breath.

It was lips and hands everywhere at once and she was pressed up against you, you were drawing her into you, but all she could think was that you were still dressed. Her hands fisted your shirt and she pulled, and she knew she should have cared that it was some expensive brand she had never heard of, but you didn't seem to mind when she ripped it apart to reveal your chest and you were so sexy she could not believe you were hers.

You let her have control this whole time, but she was ready to let you take her and you did. You moved and her back hit something hard.

The heat of the fire next to her was nothing compared to what was really burning.


You pressed her against the wall by the fireplace, your mouth ravaging hers and her leg wrapped around your waist. You were stroking her thigh and rocking your hips instinctively into hers and shouldn't you have been in bed by now?

Her hands left the place where they'd been buried in your hair and tugged again at your ripped that, strangely, you didn't care was ruined. She hurriedly stripped it off your shoulders and down your arms before she tossed it aside. Her tongue was deep in your mouth, kissing you greedily and flooding you with a sweetness that you'd never be able to identify as anything but something that was undeniably her.

She reached between you to unbuckle the belt. Somewhere in your mind there was a voice telling you to slow down, to not rush this. But you ignored it.

You kept your hands still as she unclasped the buckle, ripping it from your pants with a hiss and throwing it on the other side of the room.

She bit her lip and you pulled back before you could help it, and with a wicked smile on her face and hands on your chest, you knew that's exactly what she wanted. She shoved with just enough force to push you back a foot, and then she stalked forward and dropped to her knees. She already had your pants undone and halfway down your legs when you realized what your sweet, fabulous, corrupted girlfriend was about to do. And you'd never ask her to do this, but you won't stop it either.

Your groan was loud and harsh as she used her mouth on you, and if one of your pack members decided to kill you tomorrow, you would have died a fucking happy woman. Except there was is way you'd get enough of this. Elena's perfect lips are touching you, her tongue was massaging and tasting you, and this couldn't possibly feel this good...

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