Stefan Salvatore ; imagine two

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He calls you after going on a killing spree.

DT: Lynnfam7088yahoocom

You didn't request this, but this is just a little something that I thought you'd like 😄.

Warnings: Mature content, explicit smut.

Stefan's hands were slick with blood and he cursed when it fell to the ground and shattered. Why was he even considering this? There was no way that you'd still want him, still want to talk to him after what he had done. He knew that you knew where he was. Klaus had informed him that a witch was tracking their whereabouts, and he knew that it was most likely Bonnie, your friend. He'd told Klaus not to bother to use a witch for themselves but hadn't given him a reason why. Perhaps some pathetic part of himself was hoping that you'd save him. As if he was worth saving. He picked up his shattered phone, shaking his head at himself.

"Hello?" All you could hear was shaky breathing. You didn't recognize the phone number, but immediately knew who it was. "Stefan? I know this is you... it'll be okay." You heard a panicked gasp. "I promise... just come home to me, Stefan. I love you." You could hear ragged sobbing now, and your heart broke in half. "Do you want me to come to get you?" "N-no!" Hearing his voice soothed healed a part of you that had been hurting for a couple of weeks. "Why? I promise, whatever you've done, it's okay-" "Klaus is with me. You can't come look for me, Y/N. He'll kill you." Click. "Stefan?! Stefan!"

"Who were you talking to?" Klaus asked, sounding only slightly interested

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"Who were you talking to?" Klaus asked, sounding only slightly interested. Stefan hesitated, but sighed, "Y/N." Klaus had most likely eavesdropped, anyway. "Oh? Trying to convince you to come home?" "...Yeah, but I'm going to try not to listen to that bitch anymore." Although you're the only bitch here, Stefan thought to himself. Klaus smiled at his words. "I never thought there'd come a day where I'd hear you call Y/N a bitch." Stefan echoed his laugh, but it sounded half-hearted even to his own ears.

"You know, there's one thing you've never done." "What?" "Call me a bitch." Stefan froze, shocked. "Why would I?" "I don't know... both of my exes did when we were breaking up." Stefan shook his head at that. "Then, I hope we never break up."

Stefan wanted to go back to that time with everything in him, where your relationship had seemed like it'd never sever. You never fought, never even argued. Everything in him wanted to take it all back if it meant that you'd be happy right now. Every conversation, every kiss, every touch, every moment of love and intimacy. He couldn't stand that he was breaking your heart like you were breaking his. "We've got a trespasser, Stefan," Klaus' voice interrupted his thoughts. Before he could even say anything, his body reacted the way he had trained it for the last few months. And he lost himself.


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"Ah... he was a delicious little thing, wasn't he?" "He was just a kid..." Klaus narrowed his eyes. "Has Y/N been getting into your heart?" Stefan scoffed but couldn't help but defend himself. "He was just a kid, Klaus! Kids are dumb-" "Enough of your excuses! Do I need to show you who you belong to, now?" The hybrid's eyes turned a predatory gold as he looked Stefan up and down. Stefan let out a gasp of pain when Klaus' teeth sank into his neck but it dissolved into a familiar pleasure as his hand made its way to the front of Stefan's pants.

Sometimes he fucking hated himself. That asshole's condescending tone, the teasing, the threat to fucking blackmail out of all things, all of it had already sent fire rushing to his groin. Klaus then had the audacity to flirt on top of it all, even though he was in love with someone else.

Stefan was on the verge of losing his mind. He'd shifted forward, his gaze fixed on the sassy mouth of that asshole. He had felt like the sea was about to lift up and wash him down, as surely as he wanted Klaus to fucking follow through on his little comments.

A whine fluttered out from Stefan's throat against his will as he braced himself against the wall, stroking himself

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A whine fluttered out from Stefan's throat against his will as he braced himself against the wall, stroking himself.

What if he had leaned in close to Klaus and kissed him? Or if Klaus had kissed him, seized his hair, and yanked his head back sharply, overpowering him with his strength. The other man could have done it. Stefan would have let him. His hand left the wall and tugged at his own hair in a semblance of the sensation, and his knees felt weak.

He slumped against the wall, picturing Klaus shoving him down.

Aw, little ripper. No strength in those legs of yours?

His breath caught in his throat. Fuck.

Klaus would have undone his pants and taken out his cock, teasing him with it, tracing it around his lips. Stefan would have stuck his tongue out, eyes glazed over, and lapped at it until Klaus finally let him, pushing it through his lips and fucking him. He'd have been harsh with Stefan, teaching him a fucking lesson.

Maybe Klaus would have slapped his face while he used him, or pressed a shoe against the straining erection.

"Ah, ah, Klaus, oh fuck," he exclaimed, the shiver-rush of orgasm flooding through him. He shook from the sensation, white spurts of come painting the wooden wall.

He trembled for some time, slowly coming down from the high. Regret began to creep in almost instantly.

Stefan said, "Shit." He was never going to be able to look the asshole Klaus in the eye again.

"Shit," Klaus whispered, heat flooding his body. He returned to his room quietly. He needed to take care of some business. He was never going to be able to look Stefan in the eye again.

As Stefan recovered, he wondered what he was going to say to you if you ever

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As Stefan recovered, he wondered what he was going to say to you if you ever... if you were willing to still have him. I'm really sorry I have to tell you this, but... I cheated on you three times with Klaus, the man who destroyed your life. Except for the first time, Klaus hadn't compelled him to do anything. It was as if there was an invisible cord connecting him to him, preventing Stefan from fleeing or fighting back. He sighed and retrieved his phone from his pocket.

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