Part 1

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a/n: I am so excited for this new series, so its a continuation of my mafia fic I have going on. So there are three series/books to this and if you havent already, please go read the first two series, 'Trust No one.' is the first one and 'Untouchable' is the second. Thank you guys again for always being here, i greatly appreicate all of you and love all of you. So enjoy this new book, where is it going to explain what happened in the last series and then go about the future. so enjoy and please give me feedback thank you!

warnings: slight fluff

~one year later

You walked down the streets of New York City. You had a sunglasses on and you were carrying a bunch of shopping bags. You walked past a news stand and stopped as you heard his name being said on the tv. You looked at the screen and listened as the news teller spoke, "In other news, during a prison riot in the LA County Jail, late last night, 5 prisoners escaped through a tunnel that was dug underneath the prisons water system. One of the escaped prisoners, is none other than Vincent Hacker, the LA Mafia leader, who got arrested last year and sentenced to life in prison after being convicted of manslaughter of the Cartel gang leader of Los Zetas, Miguel Lopez and his wife Maria Lopez just late last year. Hacker's wife, y/n Hacker, has been in the wind since the night that Vincent got arrested. Now with Hacker out of prison, there has been a wild goose chase to try and find him. Now Vincent Hacker and Y/n Hacker are on the top of the America's Most Wanted list." You smiled at the tv as they showed a picture of Vinnie's mugshot. You continued to walk down the street. You got to your new car and put the bags in then got in yourself. You looked at yourself in the mirror and fixed your wig. You bought a short blonde wig and changed your name. You had to become a whole different person, but that didn't stop you from continuing on with Vinnie's Mafia group. New York city was a whole new playing ground and you had to get it ready for his return.

~Flashback to a year ago

"What about you? I'm not leaving without you!" you started to tear up. "We can jump together! We can get out of this together!"

"No y/n, you can't go to jail for this. I need you to go, we will find a way to each other again! We always will. I need you to jump." Vinnie frowned

."No! No please Vinnie we can go together!" you cried.

"I love you y/n, always and forever." He kissed your head and he let go of your hand and cheek and turned around facing the police putting his hands up. You jumped over the railing and into the water, making a loud splash as they took Vinnie into custody.

You swam as fast as you could away from the boat. You saw Jack in the distance on a speedboat, riding towards you. "Jack over here!!" You waved him down as you tried to keep your head above water. He pulled the boat close enough to you as you got into it with him pulling you up. You laid down on the floor and was breathing heavily as Jack sped off.

"What happened to Vinnie?" he said looking down at you as he drove the boat.

You looked up at Jack sighing, "They arrested him. He couldn't let me go to jail for killing Maria and Miguel. He is going to take the blame for it."

Jack sighed, "So now what?"

You sat up and looked at him, "Do what we do best. Start fresh."


You and Jack sat in a car a few blocks away from your house. It was getting raid and you needed to wait for them to leave.

"So explain to me again what your plan is?" Jack frowned looking at you.

"They are going to be looking for me to arrested me Jack. I just need to get into the house to get my fake passports and ID's so I can leave the country. Vinnie isn't going to get himself out of this one and I cant go see him in prison so I need my fake ID's, we need to lay low for a bit so this all blows over and then we can try and find a way to break him out of prison."

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