Part 8

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warnings: fluff, kidnapping, crying!Reader, mean!Vinnie, crying!Vinnie, slight violence(not towards reader or Vinnie)

"What do you mean you cant find my baby? Where is my baby?!" You yelled at the nurse, who was standing in the room, speechless and shrugging her shoulders. "How do you fucking lose a baby?!"

"Ma'am we have the hospital on lock down and we are doing everything we can to find your baby." the nurse spoke softly.

"Clearly, you aren't doing everything to keep my child safe if you fucking lost him!" Vinnie yelled from your bed side. "Fucking unbelievable!"

~6 months before birth

You and Vinnie were at the doctors office for your 3 month checkup. Vinnie's leg was shaking nonstop as he was nervous to find out what the sex of the baby was. You rubbed his leg and smiled, "Relax Vin, its okay. I don't understand how you are more nervous than me."

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous, this is our first child together and I just want everything to go smoothly." he looked at you as his leg continued to shake.

"Mrs. Hacker?" the nurse said.

"Come on." you and Vinnie both got up and followed her to the ultrasound room.

"Can you just step onto the scale of me?" she pointed to the scale on the floor. You took off your shoes and stepped onto it. She wrote down your weight on her clipboard as you stepped off. "From your records, you gained about 7 pounds, due to your little one." she smiled and walked into the room as you both followed her. "I like to use fruits and veggies as a size reference for the baby, so your baby is about the size of a lemon. You can get onto the table and the doctor will be right in for the ultrasound." You nodded and got onto the table and laid down on it as she left the room shutting the door.

Vinnie chuckled as he sat in the chair next to you, "'Your baby is the size of a lemon. I like fruits and veggies.'" he mocked the nurse as you both laughed.

"Vin stop it. I think its cute to know how big it is." you giggled.

"She could have used something else as a reference." he chuckled shaking his head.

The doctor walked in and she smiled at the both of you, "Hello, how are we doing mommy?" she put gloves on and turned on the machine.

"I'm doing alright." you smiled.

"That's good. So from your chart and your information, you are about 12 weeks pregnant. Can you just lift up your shirt for me and tuck it under your bra for me?" She grabs the gel as you do what she asked. "Perfect." she rubs your belly, "I'm just checking for any hard spots or any pain from you. No pain anywhere right?"

"No, everything is good." you smiled.

"Awesome, okay i'm gonna put the gel on your belly, it's going to be cold at first but it will warm up. Today we are finding out the sex of the baby correct?" she put the gel on your belly and you tensed a little from it being cold.

"Yes." you nodded.

"Okay, Im gonna be putting a little pressure on your belly with this camera, to get an accurate view of the baby. This isn't going to harm the baby in anyway." she puts the probe against your belly and moves around the gel as you see the camera view on the screen, you and Vinnie both looking. "If you look right here," she puts to the screen and you can see the baby's face but in black and white and it looked like it was covered, "Your baby is covering its face. He or she is laying on their left side which is good because it's moving around and isn't caught on anything. But let's see what you guys are having." she moved the probe around and she looks closely on the screen then pulls away looking at you both, "What are you guys hoping for?"

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