Part 10

699 5 8

warnings: flashback, fluff, angst, reader crying, toby crying, swearing

"Y/N Y/L/N, this is now the third time you have been in my court room." the judge said to you, "What was it for this time consulter?" the judge rolled her eyes looking at your lawyer.

"Theft, your honor, but in her defense-..."

"Cut the bullshit consulter, this is the third time your client has been in my courtroom for the same reasoning. So the 120 hours of community service wasn't enough for you Ms. y/l/n," the judge starts writing down stuff, "Does the Commonwealth have anything to counter?"

"The State asks that Ms. y/l/n, do her community service hours and also seek therapy. The defendant's father asks that she see a therapist for her anger management and rebellious actions." one of the lawyers on the other side says.

The judge sighs, then looks at you, "You do realize that if you come into my courtroom one more time you go to juvie right?"

"Y-Yes your honor." you nodded, looking up at her.

She sighs, "120 hours of community service and I want you to go see a therapist that will be appointed to you by the courts and you are to go to every single session until he or she deems you well. If for any reason you do not complete your 120 hours by the end of the 3 months, you will be sent to juvie, if you do not go to any or all of your therapy sessions, you will go to juvie," she stands up and leans onto her desk, "If I see you back in this court room again Ms. y/l/n, I will put you in juvie. You have 5 more months until you are 18 and we can try you as an adult and then there is no more community service or therapy sessions, it will be big girls jail time, do I make myself clear?"

You nodded your head, "Yes your honor."

"Good, get your act together before you ruin your life forever."

You woke up suddenly, sitting up in bed gasping. Vinnie woke up, startled by you, "Baby? Y/n you okay?" He sat up and rubbed your back as you tried to calm yourself down. 

"S-Sorry, just a bad dream." you sniffled and looked at him with tears in your eyes.

"Honey," he sighed and pulled you into his chest rubbing your back, "It's okay, it's all better now." You started to feel regret, hurt. You never told him about your childhood, about all the times you would steal from stores; money, clothing, makeup, food, you name it. You were young and dumb, doing it to impress your friends became an addiction where you got so good at shoplifting that it because a hobby of yours. Once the judge threatened to send you to jail if you were to steal again was the end of your hobby, you did you community service and therapy sessions and started to turn your life around. That day in the store with Toby, brought back so many memories of your young teenage years. You never told anyone this because you felt like it would change their view on who you were now. You were a different person now, married with a beautiful son; things were different. 

You pulled away from him and looked in his eyes, "I have to tell you something, something that I am not proud of telling you about, but it's been eating at me to tell you and I can't keep it a secret anymore." 

He nodded, "Of course y/n, you can tell me anything." he rubbed your back kissing the top of your head.

"Promise you wont judge me?" you pouted.

"I promise." 

You sighed, "Remember a few days ago, I was out shopping with Toby and that clerk accused me of stealing?" He nodded. "Well, I didn't, of course, but the reason why I was so upset about the situation was because," you sighed, "When I was a teenager, a stupid young dumb teenager, I would shoplift for fun, I got so good at it that you would barely even tell what I took. I got caught a few times, but after the third time, the judge threatened me with jail time once I turned 18. I sat at home and thought that this lady was a fucking bitch, but then I started watching videos and how all these women that go to jail for little petty things like stealing, have their lives ruin. I wanted to go to college and have a family so I stopped and just stayed out of trouble. But that day, with Toby, just brought back so many anxieties and worry and guilt. I don't even want Toby to have to steal to get things he needs or wants. I want to be able to give him whatever he wants so he doesn't have to result to that."

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