Part 11

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a/n: so this chapter is a filler chapter once again so you can get as much info for the next part.

warnings: fluff, some angst, baby crying, mentions of having kids

You walked downstairs to the kitchen after putting Toby down for a nap. You put the baby monitor on the counter and opened the fridge looking for something to eat.

"Hey, you finally put him to sleep?" Jack said as he walked into the kitchen resting his hands on the counter top island. You jumped a little and turned around looking at him.

"Jeez you scared me," you shut the fridge, "Yeah I did, finally. I dont know whats wrong with him, but he has been giving me a hard time going down for a nap sometimes. I just need to eat something, and he wont let me put him down." you sighed rubbing your cheek.

"How have you been since Vinnie hasn't been home a lot lately?" Jack sat down on the chair.

You grabbed a bag of chips from the cabinet and shrugged, "It's been different, but hard. He leaves early in the morning and doesn't come home until late and I know he is only doing this because we need the money," you sighed and looked at Jack, "We need the money Jack."

He nodded, "I just had to fire 5 more guys today because the money is getting low. Vinnie is just doing what he can to support you and Toby and I get that. I actually haven't been paying myself just so you guys can have more money."

"Jack..." you sighed, "You dont have to do that."

"Why not? I live here with you guys, I dont really have any responsibilities. I just take care of you guys and I delegate work to the men. It's fine, I'll make money another way." he smiled at you.

You looked at him, "I'm going to get a job, I have too."

"Vinnie said-..."

"I don't give a fuck what he said okay? Once I am cleared by the doctor that I can go back to work, Im getting a job, a real job." you ate the chips.

"Okay y/n." he nodded.


Vinnie walked into the house around 8pm, taking off his shoes by the door. He sighed and stretched his arms over his head yawning. He heard the tv playing in the living room as he walked closer to it. He walked in and saw the tv playing a coco melon episode then looked at you laying down on the couch sleeping, with Toby on your chest, wide awake, on his belly watching the tv while sucking on his thumb. Vinnie sighed as he walked over and shut the tv before walking over to you taking Toby off your chest slowly. "Hey buddy." he whispered as to not wake you up, "Let's get you to bed."

Vinnie walked up the stairs to Toby's room and changed his diaper then rocked him to sleep. After about 10 minutes of him rocking him, Toby fell asleep and Vinnie put him in his crib before walking out of the room. He walked back downstairs and saw you were still sleeping on the couch. He went over to you and picked you up bridal style and walked upstairs to your room. He laid you down in bed and took off your pants and socks before tucking you in. You stirred in your sleep and yawned opening your eyes looking up at him, "Hmm, hi baby."

He looked at you smiling as he caressed your cheek, "Hi beautiful." he leaned down and kissed your head.

You yawned again, "Where is Toby?"

Vinnie walked to the closet taking off his work clothes and putting them in the hamper, "I put him to bed babe, you fell asleep on the couch and he was up watching coco melon." he chuckled walking back over to you and lays down on the side of you, "How was your day today?" he put his hand on your cheek after you turned around facing him.

"It was good. I went to the doctors today actually." you looked up at him.

"Oh yeah? What did he say?" he rubbed your cheek bone with his thumb as he looked into your eyes.

"He said I could go back to work next week, and Toby is becoming a big boy. 18 pounds, 6 ounces, my little chubby boy." you giggled putting your arm around his torso.

"Oh wow, well thats good then. Means he is eating well."

"Yeah well now I dont have to feed him every 4 hours, it can be like very 6 or 7 since he is gaining weight fast like that. Doctor said I'm producing a lot of protein and vitamins to him that's probably why." you smiled and leaned up kissing his chin.

"That's good, you and him are both healthy and well." he kisses the top of your head as you cuddle him close. You nodded and just held him close to you and he pulled you closer to him, "I love you and I'm sorry I haven't been here a lot, these past couple of days, work has been so much and we are trying to get this project done before it gets cold."

"It's okay Vin, I know you are doing this so you can take care of us, but next week I'm getting a job, like a real job. Like one where I can make good money and we don't have to struggle so much. I can get Jack to help babysit Toby, I know he wouldn't mind and we can get back on track." you kiss his chest, "I love you so much and I know you want to be able to provide for us but I can help too."

Vinnie sighed and nodded, "Okay baby, as long as it pays well and you like it then i'm fine with it."


~the next day

Vinnie is at work and he is sawing up a piece of wood for the men. He shuts off the machine and grabs the two pieces handing it off to the two men nailing.

"Hey boss!"

Vinnie turned to an old man, who was a laborer on the job, "Some lady is here to see you, says she is your mom."

Vinnie frowned, "Alright I'll be right there," he turned to the other men, "Tony, saw up two more pieces and the you guys can start with the insulation. I'll be right back." He took off his gloves putting them on the table and he walked out of the building, pulling up his pants as he took his white tank top wiping his sweaty face with it. He walks to the opened gate and takes his safety hat off and turns to his Maria who is standing by the gate. He looked at her, "What do you want? I told you not to come around me or my family again."

Maria looks at Vinnie and sighs, "Vinnie please let me-..."

"You had your chance mom at the airport and you threw that all away when you took my son from me." He frowned at her.

"Please Vinnie, I want to be in your life, in Toby's life. Will you please just come to lunch with me and let me explain?"

Vinnie sighed and looked back at the job then at her, "I'll meet you for dinner, I have to get back to work. I'll call you."


After Vinnie left the job site, he called you, "Hey baby, I'm so sorry, the job is running late again tonight, but I'll be home at 6:30 okay? Maybe even earlier if we get this wall up in the next 30 minutes."

You sighed over the phone, "Okay, Toby and I will be here, we are watching Boss Baby with Uncle Jack."

He nods, "Alright baby i'll be home soon, I love you."

"I love you too baby." You hang up and Vinnie walks into the small cafe and walks to th table where Maria is sitting.

"You better talk fast because I have to get home to my son and wife." He frowns at Maria.

"Listen, I want to apologize to you and y/n for doing that to you both, really honestly. I shouldn't have done it, it was very wrong of me to do it."

"Then why do it?" he frowns.

"I don't know Vinnie, I really don't. But please forgive me, I want to be in his life." She reaches across the table taking his hand in hers, "I promise you, I won't do anything to hurt you guys again."

"I'll have to talk to y/n about this but I know she's going to say no, so be prepared for that. I gotta go, I'm missing too much time away from my son." He stood up and she grabs his wrist as he turned his head.

"Can we make this a regular thing? I miss you Vincent."

"I'll think about."


A/n; Maria is backkkkkkkk

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