Part 22

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a/n: this is the last chapterrrrr, i am very sad! i really put off writing this for like days because I dont want it to end lol. I will say this last chapter is hopefully going to be a good happy ending for this lovely couple. enjoy reading and as always, vote and comment:)

warnings: mention of death, funeral scene is sad, signs of withdrawl, mention of drug use, gunshots, mention of blood, a little fluff

word count: 2473 

It was a very very sad day. You, Vinnie and the kids were attending Maria Hacker's funeral today and Vinnie was trying to be strong the whole time. You sat next to Vinnie in the funeral home, holding 1 year old Tabitha, with 2 year old Toby sitting on the other side of you. You looked over at Vinnie and he was sitting in the chair with his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. You sighed and rubbed his back with your free hand that wasn't holding Tabitha, "Vinnie it's going to be alright." 

He lifted his head and looked at you with tears in his eyes, "She didn't have to go so quick, it wasn't her time yet." He sits back in his chair and looks up at the ceiling to stop his tears from falling. 

"I know baby, but she's in a better place now, and she is not suffering anymore." you smiled sadly at him.

He sniffles, "Yeah I know." he nods and stands up wiping his face. He walks up to the podium and fixes his suit jacket running his hand through his hair. He clears his throat and looks up at everyone in the church, "Hi, my name is Vinnie Hacker and as most of you know Maria Hacker was my mother. With being an only child, it was hard to fight for my mom's attention when I was a kid. She was focused more on work than on me. She left me and my father when I was 6 years old, faking her death and fleeing to New York City to start a new life. When I moved out here, I wasn't excepting to see her or hear from her when I did. I lived for 15 years thinking my mother was dead when she was alive and well. Now with her and my father being dead, this has left me no choice but to take over the family business with my beautiful wife, Y/n and my two wonderful kids, Toby and Tabitha, we will keep my mother and father's name out there and make them both proud of what I have become. Thank you all for coming." he nods his head and walks back over to you and the kids, then looks over at Jack and nods, "Get her in the van, I'll drive with the kids and y/n to the burial ground." 


At the cemetery, after they put Maria's casket in the ground, everyone was taking turns throwing red roses into her hole. When it came to you and Vinnie, you both stood at the edge of her burial and looked down at her casket. 

Toby looked up at you and Vinnie, "Can I throw it in mommy?" 

"Yes baby, you can." you nodded and Toby throws in the black rose in his hand. You look up at Vinnie who was looking down at the casket.

"Last time we were standing above a grave like this it was for your father. We did the same thing for him, dropped him roses, red roses and now we are here again, dropping in black roses for my mother. She was a very evil woman, faked her own death, tried to steal Toby from us, called the FBI on us, tried to get me arrested," he sighs and looks at you, "In the Mafia world, black roses symbolize hatred and despair and even though I am very sad to see her leave, I hate her so much for everything she put us through, everything she did to this family, I can never forgive her." he throws his black roses into the hole along with you and Tabitha throwing yours in. You both turned around and Vinnie picked up Toby and you both walked away from the grave as the started to pour dirt back into the grave. Jack and Daisy were leaning up against the car while you both walked over to him. 

Jack looked up at Vinnie with his arms crossed, "So what's next boss?" 


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