Part 15

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warnings: angst (ALOT), fluff, talk about death, gun violence, sad!reader, pregnancy, reader seeing and hearing things and i think thats it. 

~five months before the shooting

You were feeling odd today, not like your mood, but your body felt different. You walked to your bathroom and looked at your face and saw nothing wrong. You then lifted up your sleep shirt and noticed a little bump. You turned to the side and looked in the mirror and saw you were poking out a bit. You groaned and figured you were just bloated, you had just eaten a bunch of junk food. "I got a food belly." you giggled and put your shirt down walking out of the bathroom. You got into bed alone again and you sighed. Vinnie was working later than he excepted tonight which meant you were going to bed alone. You got under the blankets and fell asleep.

The next morning, you woke up abruptly feeling sick to your stomach. You rushed up out of bed and went to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. Once you were done you flushed and brushed your teeth to get the taste out of your mouth. You walked back into your room and noticed Vinnie had gone to work for the day. You sighed and grabbed your phone off the night stand and saw his text message, 'Hi baby, sorry about last night and this morning, i'm going to make it up to you i promise. I will see you tonight, my treat xo.'

You smiled at his text and messaged him back a heart and kissy face. You put your phone down and sat on the bed putting your hand on your lower belly, realizing you still felt bloated. You looked at your phone and realized you missed your period again. You got up quickly, but stopped, feeling lightheaded from getting up too fast. You came back down and walked to the bathroom grabbing a pregnancy test from under the sink cabinet. You opened the box and sat on the toilet peeing on the stick. You finished and put the stick on the counter and you washed your hands. You walked out of the bathroom and walked to Toby's room quietly as he was already awake but looking up at the ceiling sucking on his hands. He turns his head and looks at you smiling, "Momma!" he rolls over onto his belly and then stands up in his crib holding onto the side railing. 

You walked over to him and smiled picking him up, "Good morning my boy." You put him down on the changing table taking off his clothes and his diaper, "My little chunky baby. Who's mommy's little chunky baby?" you tickle his belly as he giggles loudly looking at you. You change his diaper then put on a new fresh pair of pjs for him. You pick him up and walk back into your room, "Mommy and Toby day today huh buddy?" you smiled at him kissing his head as you place him in the play pen in your room. You walk to the bathroom and look at the pregnancy test and see it has two lines, which means it is positive. You sigh rubbing your face looking down at your belly, rubbing it. You look up at your reflection in the mirror and nod, "Okay, we can work this out."

~three months before the shooting

You were laying bed one night with Toby laying on your chest sucking on his thumb, while you were watching a movie with him. Vinnie walks into the room from work and he looks at the two of you laying down. You look over at him and smile as Toby looks over and smiles, "Dada!!" he waves at Vinnie. 

"Hey buddy, you laying down with momma?" Vinnie walks over and kisses Toby's head and then kisses your cheek.

"Yes momma." he nods watching the tv.

"How was work?" you smiled at him as he got undressed putting his clothes in the hamper. 

"It was good, very long, but good. I'm gonna shower quickly, did you guys eat?" He walks to the bathroom turning on the shower, then stands at the doorway.

"Toby had oatmeal and I'm not hungry, but I made you pasta if you want it." you looked at him.

"Did you eat at least?" he frowns a little.

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