Part 4

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warnings; little angst, fluff

You woke up the next day, to an empty bed. You frowned, was last night a dream? Did he really not come back last night? You put on your sweatshirt and walked downstairs as you heard people talking. You walked into the kitchen and saw Vinnie shirtless with jeans on, sipping on his coffee and Jack with his arms crossed leaning against the counter.

"I just think we need a better disguise for me because, me just getting a hair cut doesn't change much." Vinnie sipped his coffee then looked at you as you walked over to him yawning, "Good morning princess." he smiled and pulled you into a hug smiling. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby. I haven't had a good nights sleep like that since you left." You pouted looking up at him resting your chin on his chest, "But it never fails, you always leaving me in the morning."

"Because I have things to do and you look so peaceful sleeping." he smiles and peaks your lips, "I have to come up with something different for my new identity baby because me just cutting my hair doesn't help."

"I think we should change up your style a bit and maybe get you fake glasses and maybe different color contacts." you smiled at him, "I have a blonde wig and glasses that I wear because I don't want to cut my hair and people will notice me right away."

"Hmm, that could work." Vinnie looked up at Jack sipping on his coffee, "You guys couldn't get any of my cars or guns?"

"No man, I tried. FBI said it was evidence in your case against you. I tried to get the RX7 and R32 but I couldn't." Jack sighed.

"That's fine, I'll just have to find new cars." Vinnie sighed running his hand through his hair, "So I need new id's, credit cards, money, guns, cars, drugs. Like what were you guys doing while I was gone. You should have been getting all of this stuff ready." Vinnie frowned.

"Relax babe, we did. I have everything for you in your new office space." you smiled a little at him.

He sighed in relief, "thank you baby."


You and Jack were sitting on the living room each on opposite sides of the couch talking. Vinnie was in his office working. You had both finished the Netflix show 'YOU' and you were both shocked at the ending.

"I can't believe he killed her. Like after all that." Jack shakes his head.

"Oh i know! He stalked her whole life, watched her outside her window and then kills her! Like what the fuck?!" you giggled shaking your head. "I can't believe it."

"Imagine having a stalker you had no idea was watching you outside your window." Jack laughed.

"She should have gotten blinds for that window." you smiled at him.

"Right?!" you both were laughing and Vinnie overheard the laughing. He walked out of his office and walked to the living room and Jack had his arm resting on the back of the couch which kind of looked like it was around you and you giggled, your face red and Jack is laughing with you. Vinnie frowned at the both of you and he cleared his throat.

"The fuck is this?" he frowns. You both turn your heads to him and you blush pulling away from Jack.

"Nothing baby we are just talking about this show we were watching." you blushed.

"Vinnie we were just talking." Jack said sitting up.

"Didn't look like that to me. Looked like you two were flirting and if i didn't walk in, who knows what you two would have done." Vinnie frowned.

"Vinnie don't say that. We were just talking." you frowned at him.

He shook his head, "Sure you were." he rolled his eyes and walks out of the room.

"Vin.." you sighed and got up from the couch following him upstairs, "Vin. Vinnie!" he ignored you and went to your room shutting the door and you sighed standing at the top of the staircase. You ran your hand through your hair and shook your head walking to the door opening it and he was sitting on the bed with his face in his hands. You shut the door walking over to him, "Babe..." you sighed pulling his hands away from his face and pulling him into a hug. He wraps his arms around your waist as he hid his face in your stomach. You played with his hair rubbing his back as you felt your shirt get wet, "Baby don't cry please."

"I-I can't loose you again y/n." he said softly sniffling.

"You're not, i'm right here baby." you kissed the top of his head. "I'm never leaving your side baby, i'm here with you forever." you rubbed his head and back.

"I-I..." he hiccups trying to relax.

"Baby just relax, just breathe Vinnie. I'm right here."

"I just can't loose you again, please don't leave me." he said crying hard, holding onto your waist tightly.

"Shhh, i'm here baby. i'm right here. Let's lay down, come on." You pulled away from him and pushed him down onto the bed so he was laying down and you got into bed with him getting under the covers with him. You pulled him into your chest getting him rest his head on it. He held onto your waist as he calmed down his breathing. "I'm right here baby, i'm not going anywhere." you kissed the top of his head. "I love you." you whispered to him.

"I-I love you." he said back softly. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep as you played with his hair and rubbed his back.


You woke up an hour later and Vinnie was still sleeping on your chest. You yawned and rubbed his back kissing his head. He stirred a little in his sleep, cuddling you more. You smiled and slowly pulled out of his grip. He whined and grabbed your pillow cuddling it. "I'll be right back Vin." you whispered in his ear and he nodded cuddling your pillow. You walked out of the room shutting the door softly behind you and you walked downstairs. You saw Jack pacing back and forth in the kitchen. "Hey you okay?"

Jack looked at you, "Is he mad?? Is he going to fire me?! Please!" he looked scared.

"Relax Jack. You are fine. I explained to him what was going on and he is just scared to loose me that's all. He is sleeping right now and he doesn't hate you. Relax." you walked over to him rubbing his arms to calm him.

"So i'm good? He isn't going to kill me?" Jack looked at you.

"No he isn't going to kill you, i'll kill him if he does." you giggled.


Vinnie woke up a few hours later, you were sitting on the bed petting Hera while watching a movie on the TV. He sat up and looked at you yawning. You looked over at him and smiled big kissing his cheek, "Hi baby, did you have a good nap?" He nodded and yawned. "I need you to talk  to Jack baby." you looked at him.

"Why?" he laid back down on the bed as Hera walked over to him and laid on his chest meowing. He pet her back closing his eyes.

"He thinks you are going to kill him or fire him because of what you saw downstairs." you looked down at him and rubbed Hera's back.

"Okay i'll talk to him." he nodded.

"Thank you." you leaned down and kissed his head.

word count: 1,285

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