Part 6

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warnings: very fluffly, crying!vinnie, mention of death

a week later~

You and Vinnie drove up to his mother's mansion in the upper side of New York City. You still weren't sure why he had agreed to let her throw you both a wedding party, when you already had one but you had to agree with him because it was his mother. He pulled into the gated driveway and parked his car behind the line of cars already there. You both got out and his mother was standing by the front door and she squealed, "Everyone hide!" you heard her yell and you and Vinnie chuckled at her failed attempt. You both walked up to the door, hand in hand as you got closer. Vinnie opened the front door and everyone jumped out and yelled 'surprise'. You would have thought it was a birthday party if you were watching from afar. You held onto Vinnie's hand tightly as he greeted everyone and then gave him mom a side hug. "Okay! Everyone to that backyard, lets have some fun!" everyone cheered along with her and rushed to the backyard. You and Vinnie stood back and waited for everyone to leave, especially his mother.

"Seriously Vin? It's like she threw us a birthday party, instead of a wedding party. I thought it was going to be like a formal thing, I feel so overdressed." you held onto his arm with your other hand and walked close to him as he walked to the door watching everyone drink and chat.

"We look fine baby, we look like royalty compared to these people and we need to stand out, show everyone we need business." he smirked, "And plus, you look beautiful in that dress." he smiled at you, "Let's just have fun, eat, drink and just relax a little. We finally can enjoy life for once. Isn't that what you have always said you wanted?" he turned towards you and turned you towards him, lifting up your chin for you to look at him, "We may never get the chance to have a normal life because of the circumstances, and my way of life, so little things like this party, even though you are right, it seems like a birthday party more than anything. I wish to enjoy the small things with you because you never know what could happen y/n. Today it could be like this and then tomorrow I could be killing someone over drugs or money. I know I agreed to moving in with my mom all suddenly, and we really didnt get a chance to discuss it, but think about it. I haven't seen my mom in 8 years, I thought she was dead, then I found out she was still alive a few years ago and then seeing her with my own eyes in person the day after I came to New York, it all hit me so suddenly. I just think she could really help us and maybe," he leans in more and puts his other hand on your stomach rubbing it slowly then moved it to the small of your back, "Maybe we can have the family we always wanted now that she will be around to help us. You can stop taking birth control and we can start a family together. I love you so much y/n, I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life. There is no place I would rather be but to be here with you, enjoying life together, for once."

You pouted up at him, putting your hands on his chest then to his shoulders rubbing them, "You are so sweet Vin. You really want to try for a family again?"

"Yes, more than anything." he kissed your lips softly as you move your lips in sync with his.

"Alright alright you two love birds come on!" Maria said as she walked into the house, "I want you guys to meet some of my advisers." she smiled as she pulled you both outside of the house.


~a few hours later

You got stuck talking to this elderly lady for two hours as she told you about her life and her family. You hadn't seen Vinnie is a bit so you quickly glanced around the backyard in search for him. Your eyes landed on beautiful green ones you've been looking for as he was staring at you from afar while two men were talking to him. You motioned him to come over to you as you turned your attention back to the older lady. Before the lady could continue talking to you, Vinnie walked up and put his hand on your shoulder, "Sorry to interrupt you Dortha, but it is alright if i steal my wife back for a bit?"

"Oh of course you can darling." Dortha said as she smiled at the both of you, "Wow what a handsome man you got yourself there y/n."

"Thank you." you smiled and stood up holding his hand, "I'll see you later Dortha." she bid you a goodbye and a wink. You walked to the stoned area where people were gathered and dancing to a slow song that came on. Vinnie walked to the middle of the dance floor with you and turned to you as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his body. You wrapped your arms around his neck letting your hands rest at the back of his neck. You both slowly swayed to the music as he watched the people around you. You looked up at him and stared at his face, watching him glance and look at people around you. You rested your head on his chest and sighed happily. He noticed your chance in demeanor and how the tension in your body was let go.

"You alright baby?" he kissed the top of your head as he rubbed your back. You hummed against his chest closing your eyes as you listened to his heart beating in his chest.

"Did you really mean it when you said you wanted to start a family with me?" you said softly enough for him to hear.

"Of course I mean it. I mean if it wasn't for Jett killing our first child, we would have already had a family." You tensed up at the name and remembered that day. "We could have started a family in Australia, but we ended up coming back to LA. Then we could have started a family in LA, until I got put in jail. Now that we are in New York, my mom is here helping us, maybe," he sighed and rubbed your back, "Maybe I can put aside this...mafia lifestyle and start a family with you."

You gasped and looked up at him as he looked down at you with tears in his eyes, "Vinnie..."

He grabbed your hand from around his neck and brought your ringed finger up to his lips as he kissed it, his breathing becoming unsteady as he stared into your eyes, "I mean it, y/n. If starting a family with you means I have to leave the mafia behind, I will. I will do anything for you to have children and keep them safe." he said softly as tears streamed down his face. You pulled your hand away and wiped his tears away rubbing his cheek with your thumb as he leaned into your touch closing his eyes.

"Vinnie I-I..."


to be continued...

word count: 1247

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