Part 9

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a/n: not my picture but I just needed a reference picture of what Toby would look like

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a/n: not my picture but I just needed a reference picture of what Toby would look like.

warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, and angst

~8 months later

You and Toby were out shopping one day for clothes for him because he was getting way too big, way too fast. You had him in his baby stroller, sleeping while you now shop at an antique store. It had vintage clothing, jewelry, and much more. You continued to look around then decided that nothing in there was catching your eye, so you started to walk towards the exit when the Security guard blocked the doorway and you stopped, confused, "Excuse me..." you said slowly, but he stood there still blocking you.

You heard someone clear their throat behind you and you turned around to see one of the salesmen standing behind you, "I'm sorry, miss, but I can't let you leave."

"Why not?" you frowned, "I haven't stolen anything."

"I beg to differ. I saw you put something in your purse, now let me see it." he frowned.

"No! I didn't steal anything and you don't have the right to search anything of mine." you frowned. You heard Toby begin to stir and you looked at the man, "Please sir just let me go, I didn't take anything. I have to get home to feed my son."

"I'm not letting you leave until you give us back what you stole. You aren't going anywhere until the police arrive." he picked up his phone and dialed 911. You sighed frustrated as you grabbed your phone and called Vinnie. He answered the phone quickly while working on a construction site at work.

"Yeah babe?!" he shouted over the loud machine noises in the background.

"Are you busy?" you said softly.

"A little bit, why what's wrong? Everything okay with Toby?" he walked away from the site to where it was much quieter.

"He is fine. We are at this department store on 40th and West St, and this salesman thinks I stole something and he just called the cops on me," you sighed trying not to cry, "I-I didn't take anything, I was just looking around and-..."

"Give me 10." and with that, he hung up the phone. You turned to Toby, his big blue eyes staring up at you. You looked at the salespeople and frowned, looking at his name tag, you chuckled a little.

"something funny to you?" he scoffed.

"Yeah, who names their child Reginald." you giggled then picked up Toby and cradled him as you waited for Vinnie. After about five minutes, the police arrive and they walked in, having the salesmen close down the store for the day. You and the officer walked to the back of the store so you could sit down in a chair to rock Toby back to sleep.

"Name miss?" one of the officers said to you.

"Y/n Hacker..." you said looking up at him.

"Hacker..." he nodded, "Related to Maria Hacker?" you nodded slowly.

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