Part 7

906 9 4

warnings: crying!Vinnie, fluff 


You and Vinnie both looked over to where the voice yelled and saw the whole back yard being swarmed by cops. Vinnie grabbed your hand and you both ran to the grass and towards the woods. "Hey!! Stop! They are here! Go get them!!" one of the agents yelled. You and Vinnie ran into the woods to get away from the cops. After getting a good distance away, still hearing them yell out for the both of you, Vinnie stopped and you both breathed heavily.

"How the fuck did they find us?!" you rested back against a tree as Vinnie took his phone out.

"I don't know! I need to call Jack!" he calls Jack on his phone. "Yo! Man where are you?! FBI showed up at my moms house! They are looking for me and y/n! I need you to come pick us up! I don't know! We ran into the woods, i think the highway is behind here! I'll send you the location! Just be here soon!" he hung up and put his phone in his pocket. "Come on! We gotta go!" he grabs your hand again.

"Vinnie, just give me a second to catch my breath!" you rubbed your belly, breathing heavily.

Vinnie looked off into the distance and saw the cops running towards you both, "Y/n, we gotta go!!" He grabbed your hand and ran off as you ran after him. After running for a few more minutes, you saw the highway and Jacks car, "Come on! Jacks right there!" You both ran towards the car as Jack was standing outside of it looking around. Once you both became visible to him, he looked at both of you confused. "Get in the car! They are right behind us!" Vinnie yelled as you both approached the car, all three of you got in and Jack sped off back onto the highway.

"What the fuck happened?!" Jack said as you were both breathing heavily from running, sweat dripping down your bodies.

"We were just enjoying the party then it got raided! I don't know man! Someone must have tipped off the cops because they were there and we had like 5 cops running after us!" He sighed, "We need to go back for my car! Fuck! It has our stuff in it! Go back to the house Jack!"

"But you just said-..."

"It has our fucking address on the registration!! I need to get the car before they see it!!"

A few minutes later, you were back at the house and there was cops everywhere. You had to parked a few houses away to not get caught. "Y/n, get in the drivers seat, Jack they haven't searched my car yet, just get out and go get it before they notice it." He handed Jack the keys as he got out and you jumped into the driver's seat putting the car in drive to follow jack when he gets the car. Jack walks over to the car, gets inside and then drives off as you follow after him. Vinnies phone starts to ring and it's his mother, he answers it, "Hello?"

"Vincent! Honey, i am so sorry baby! I don't know what happened, I-I..."

"One of your so-called associates called the fucking cops on me mom! Do you understand how fucking lucky I am that i got away!? And you want me to live there with you?! Please, go fuck yourself!" he hung up the phone and put his phone back in his pocket. He sighed and rubbed his head closing his eyes.

You put your hand on his leg and rubbed it, "I'm sorry baby."

"It's fine honey, as long as you are safe, im happy." he put his hand on your squeezing it.

"What do we do now? They know we are here. Vinnie, i don't want to move again and i can't live in our house all day." you sighed rubbing his leg.

"Well, we have two choices, I turn myself in, or we run again." he looked over at you as you sighed.

"I don't know..."


You pulled into the driveway and parked the car as Vinnie held your hand, "Stay, I wanna talk to you." You nodded and shut the car off looking at him. "I think I should turn myself in." he sighed rubbing his face.

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