Part 5

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warnings: fluff, talk about sex, dirty talk, talk about shooting(gun violence) 

a few days later~

You woke up yawning and stretched out your arms, not excepting to hit something hard. You jumped and turned your head to see a sleeping Vinnie next to you, bare chest with boxers on. You turned to him and cuddled his chest, lightly kissing his spider tattoo, up to his snake tattoo on his lower neck. He wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you close to him as he cuddled you, still sleeping. You rubbed his bicep and then lightly squeezed it, biting your lip. 'So strong.'  You ran your hand up his bicep, to the back of his neck as you leaned in slowly, kissing his neck softly. You put one leg over his hip, getting closer to him as you kissed up his neck to his ear, "I love you baby." you whispered in his ear softly as he stirred in his sleep. He hummed and yawned as he tightened his grip on your waist pulling you close as you felt his hard on press against your clothed core.

"Mmm, I love you too princess." he slowly grinds his crotch against you, pulling you closer to him. He kisses your neck, rolling over on top of you as you wrap your legs around his waist pulling him closer to you. He chuckled at you eagerness, "Someone is eager."

"Y-Yes please." you felt yourself get wetter by the second as he continued to grind against you.

"Too bad I have to get ready." he chuckled pulling away from you and you whined pulling him back to you.

"Baabbbyyy." you whined loudly, "Don't leave meee!" You grabbed onto his biceps and moaned a little, biting your lip.

"Beg for it." he smirked at you pressing his hard on against the wet patch on your panties, feeling it twitch against you.

"I-I want you to fuck me until I can't walk. I want to feel your cock in my stomach, filling me up. I-I want...-" you bit your lip when he cut you off, as he grabbed your chin with his thumb and his index finger.

"It must feel good to want..." he whispered against your lips before diving in, kissing you, immediately sliding his tongue into your mouth as you moaned trying to keep up with his movements. "I'm gonna fuck you until you are cockdrunk." he says against your lips as you stare up into his dark orbs. 


You waddled down the stairs in a big t-shirt as your legs were still shaking. Vinnie had fucked you so hard and made you orgasm so much that you passed out. He left you a note saying he would be in his office working and to come see him when you got up. You walked slowly to his office and pushed the door open to find him sitting at his desk typing on his computer. He looked up from his screen and he smirked at you, "Hello beautiful, how was your sleep?" he sat back in his chair, "Come sit." he pats his lap.

You walked over to him and sat down on his lap with your head on his shoulder. He wraps his arms around your waist rubbing your side. You hid your face in his neck, "You left me all alone again." you whined softly.

"I know baby, I'm sorry, I've just been working that's all. I was just about to come to bed with you." he kisses the top of your head. "I fucked you good huh? Made my little baby pass out." 

You nodded your head, "Yes, I'm still shaking from it." you giggled.

The door to his office slams open and you both look at the door, his arms around your waist getting tighter as he pulls you closer to him, sitting up more in the chair. You can hear heels clicking on the hardwood floor as a very elegant lady, in all black walks through the door and smirks evily at you and Vinnie, "Well, well, well, what do we have here? If it isn't my son and his beautiful wife." 

Vinnie stands up quickly and stands you up and behind him as you peek up over his shoulder, "Hello mother." he frowned at her. 

"Oh, come on now. You don't have to hide my new daughter in-law. Come on out y/n, say hello to your mother in-law." She smirked at him. You stepped out from behind Vinnie and pulled the shirt down to cover what you could of yourself as you sent her a small wave and smile. "Wow Vinnie she's beautiful, good job." 

"I thought you were dead. You have been since how long? 7 years now?" he frowned.

"8 years actually." she corrected him, "But I'm not here to discuss the past, I'm here to talk about why you are here and why you were shooting up my house the other night?" she folds her arms on her chest. Vinnie, Jack and yourself were at a house party in Brooklyn. Your mission? To get his mothers attention so she can help you and Vinnie stay out of jail and keep the cops away. Maria was in charge of pretty much the whole state of New York, anything she said, goes. To get her attention, Vinnie thought it would be a great idea to start shooting up the place when the guards saw you guys there. 

"Well, I did get your attention didn't I?" he smirked.

"No shit, so what do you want?" she rolled her eyes.

"Immunity. I can't keep running around New York in a disguise so I don't get sent back to prison and I need weapons and new fucking cars and money." he sighed as he heard how pathetic he sounded. You rubbed the small of his back and kissed his arm to let him know you were still with him.

"Wow, after 8 years, you finally need my help. I thought you had this all taken care of but clearly, my baby boy still needs his mommy." she smiled a little and looked at the both of you, "Okay, I will help you, but under one condition." 


"I get 50% of all your profits and you guys have to move in with me, even Jack." she smiled.

"Why would we move in with you?" you said softly, but firmly.

She looked at you, "I haven't seen my son in 8 years and since you guys need my help and for me to know you guys are safe, you would need to move in with me in order for this to work. How will I know you guys will keep up with your end of the bargain?"

Vinnie sighed, "Okay, we will do it." 

"Oh yay!" Maria walked over to the two of you and hugged you both in a big warm hug. "This is perfect and we can throw you guys a big wedding party!" 

"But we already got married?" he questioned.

"But I wasn't invited and I have a big backyard! Oh it will be great Vincent! We can have it next weekend! We will keep in touch! I love you!" she kisses both of you heads and then leaves.

"What did I just do?" he sighed rubbing his head.

word count: 1206

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