Part 16

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warnings: fluffy fluff, a little bit of angst, talk about religion (briefly), crying!vinnie, breastfeeding baby, talk about c-section aftermath and yeah i think thats it

words: 2747 


It was getting down to the last days of your pregnancy. Your C-Section was scheduled on Friday and today was Sunday. You were still on bed rest and Daisy was checking your heart rate and the babies. You sat on the edge of the bed as Daisy checks you, "You are doing good and so is the baby. On Thursday, we will go in to the ER and your doctor will be there and its just to check you out and the baby and then you will stay overnight and then be there for the surgery in the morning." She looks at you as you have tears running down your face, "Hey you okay?"

You nodded, "Yeah I'm fine. Just a lot of emotions right now." you wiped your face.

"I know it is very scary to go into surgery but you will in good hands. I will be there with Toby and Jack, since Toby can't go into the room with you guys. Vinnie and his mom will be in the room with you and you will be okay." She smiles at you rubbing your arm.

"Thank you so much Daisy for everything, especially with Toby. Vinnie and I have been meaning to ask you something, obviously you don't have, it is your choice, but we were wondering if you would want to be our nanny? With Vinnie working a lot and me also working, it would be very helpful if you would stay with us full time and be our nanny. You are great with Toby and you could even move in here, we have enough rooms," you chuckled wiping your eyes, "It wouldn't be all the time, but just when we need the help. We will pay you good Daisy." 

She looked at you in shock and she smiled, "Of course I can help you guys. I would just need time to figure out my work, maybe help you guys on the days you need it and still be a nurse," she giggles, "Thank you so much for thinking of me and wanting me to be in the family, I guess." 

"No, thank you for everything you have done for all of us. We really appreciate it. I know I do." you smile at her.


~Thursday Night

"All packed and ready to go. I'll take Toby to the car." Daisy said as she carried your bag and Toby down the stairs. Vinnie was helping you put your shoes and Jack followed Daisy to the car.

Vinnie stood up and he helped you stand up from the bed, "You ready?" 

"As I'll ever be." you sighed and looked up at him and he put his hands on your cheeks.

"Everything is going to be okay, I promise you y/n. I'm not going to let anything happen to you or our daughter." he kisses your forehead. 

You nodded and looked up at him, "I'm so sorry for how I have been acting these past couple of weeks." 

"It's okay, I know you don't mean to be that way. It's tough, not remembering anything from a while ago, but you will get there, one way or another." he smiles at you.

"How long has to been since we got married?" 

"Uhm, like 7 years I want to say." he looks down at you, "Why?"

"I want to watch the wedding videos, if we have any. I never got a chance to see them while on bed rest." 

He smiled at you and nodded, "I have them on my phone, how about we watch them tonight at the hospital while we wait for our little one? Sound good?" You nodded as you both walked out of the room and he helped you waddle down the stairs and to the car. You sat in the back next to Toby and Vinnie as Jack and Daisy were in the front. "My mom is going to meet us there. If you don't want her in the room you dont have to have her in there."

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