Part 13

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warnings: PTA, crying, a little fluff

~A few weeks later

Vinnie, Jack and Maria came up with nothing since you got attacked. Every single lead they had, was a dead end; every person was either dead or still in jail. You were still in a coma after a few weeks, your baby was still growing and healthy. Vinnie was at the house with Toby when he got a phone call from Jack, "Vinnie she is awake."

Vinnie rushed over to the hospital so fast, he must have broken a couple of laws on the way. He ran up to your room holding Toby as he ran in looking at you. You were sitting up in bed taking a long sip of water from the bottle the nurse was holding for you. Jack was standing by your bed and he looked over at Vinnie and walked over to him, "She doesn't remember anything, nothing from the last year."

"What? What do you mean?" Vinnie handed Toby to Jack and walked over to you. You looked up at him and smiled a little.

"Hi honey." you grabbed his hand and squeezed it, "I got worried you weren't coming back."

The nurse looks up at Vinnie, "Mr. Hacker, due to the head trauma, and her being in a coma, y/n unfortunately does not remember anything from the last year of what happened. It's called Post-traumatic amnesia, its when the person is in a coma for a while, they tend to forget things for a period of time, it seems like they last thing she remembered something happening was her giving birth to your son almost a year ago. It's going to take a while for her to gain her memory back. Also, the doctor requests that she be on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy. We are keeping her here for a couple more days, for observation, for the baby's sake. You can sign her out on Friday, she should be okay by then. We do recommend you getting a house nurse, someone that can be there to take care of her, in case you have other responsibilities like your son or your job. Again, once the time comes you can decide on what you want to do, but until then she does have to stay here until the doctor releases her."

Vinnie nods, "Okay thank you so much for your help."

"Of course, that's my job. I'll check back in a bit, have the kitchen bring her up some food." the nurse walked out of the room and Vinnie looked at you with tears in his eyes.

You looked up at him, "Vinnie, why are you crying?"

"I-I'm just happy you are alive..." he whispers to you kissing your head while holding the back of your head.

"I love you Vinnie. I'm glad I'm alive too. But I do have some questions." you looked up at him and he nodded down at you. "Is that our son?" she pointed at Toby, who was sleeping on Jack's chest.

Vinnie looked at Toby then back at you, "Yes, that's our son Toby. He loves his momma." he smiled a bit.

"And i'm pregnant again?" you looked down at your belly then up at him.

"Yes you are. It's a girl and we were going to name her Tabitha, Tab for short, but we can decide on that later." He puts his hand on your belly rubbing it.

"W-Who was the lady that was here before? When I woke up, she ran out of here so fast." She looked at Jack.

"That was my mom, you don't remember her?" Vinnie looked down at you and you shook your head.

"I looked at her and she just ran out of here. Does she not like me?"

"She might have had to go to work or something, I'm not really sure baby." Vinnie kissed your head again, "But let's rest for now, get you back to yourself so we can get you out of here okay?" You nodded and put your hand on top of his that was on your belly.

You looked up at Vinnie, "Vin, where's my dad? He should be here right? He isn't out doing your dirty work again is he?" you frowned a litte.

He looked down at you and shook his head, "No," he sighed rubbing his head, "Baby, there's something I need to tell you..." he rubs your cheek.

"Is he okay?! Did he die? Pl-Please tell me he isn't dead!" you started to cry as Vinnie took you into his arms and rubbed your back.

"I'm sorry baby, he died years ago, you just don't remember." 

"Why can't I remember that then?! I don't understand why I can't remember what happened! I don't even remember my own son or my daughter! What is wrong with me?!" you started crying harder, "I-I don't even remember what happened with us?! Jack told me we are married! I-I don't remember that! I want to remember Vinnie!" He rubs your back and has a few tears running down his face.

"I know you do baby, and I'll help you, I'll take care of you." he kissed the top of your head, "I promise, I'll take care of you." 

~ days later

You are finally back home, but you had to remain on bed rest until you gave birth to your daughter. Your caregiver, Daisy, was your new best friend, you would like to say. She has been taking care of you since you came back home and it was like you knew everything about her. She slept in the guest bedroom and pretty much moved in so she can be with you for 24/7 care. You were sitting up in bed watching tv with Toby when the baby in your stomach kicked you a little too hard in the stomach and you groaned. Your heart monitor started beating as your heart rate when up from the pain. Daisy looked up from her book that she was sitting at the table in your room and walked over to you after setting her book down, "You alright there?"

You nodded as the beeping stopped, "Yeah I'm fine. She just kicked me like really hard and it hurt."

"Hmm, she's probably trying to make so room." she giggled, "Let me just check on her okay?" Daisy grabbed her stethoscope from around her neck putting it in her ears and you lift of your shirt over your belly as she puts the cold part on your belly listening. "Hmm, everything sounds normal. She probably just tried to move and get comfortable in there." she pulls away putting it back around her neck. "Do you need anything? Water? Food?"

"Hungie! I hungie!" Toby looked at Daisy.

"Oh are you now bud?" She smiled at him, "What would you like? Mac and Cheese? Or applesauce?"

"Paplesauce!!!" he clapped his hands sitting up. "Yay!"

You giggled and clapped with him, "Yay! Applesauce!"

"Yay! Paplesauce!" he laughed clapping. You and Daisy both laughed with him, as Jack walked into the room. Daisy looked up at Jack and stopped laughing, her whole face turning red as she blushed.

"Uhm, so did you want anything y/n?" she said softly to you avoiding eye contact with Jack as he walked to the other side of her.

"Yeah, i'll take applesauce too with pickles." You watched as Daisy turned and bumped into Jack and he grabbed her arms to steady her from not falling.

"Woah you alright?" Jack said as Daisy squealed and pulled away from him and walking out of the room. Jack watched her leave the room, very confused.

You started giggling, "Wow, she really likes you that much huh?"

Jack looked at you, "No she doesnt."

"Are you kidding me? Jack, she stopped laughing when you came in here and got all nervous around you. She has a crush on you, I know it." you smiled at him.

Jack blushed a little, "I mean she is kinda cute." he shrugged putting his hands in his pockets, "You really think she likes me?"

"Yes! Just by the way she is acting! But just do me a favor, don't date her until after I have the baby, I cant have her distracted while being on bed rest, I need all the help i can get right now." you smirked at him.

"Can't make any promises, but thats not what I came in here for. Vinnie called, he is on his way home, said he had to run a few more errands then he was coming home, said he was bringing home pizza and wings." Jack nodded.

"Thanks Jack, appreciate you."


a/n: leave a comment if you liked it and what you would like to see in the next part!:)

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