Chapter 1

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Kim Seokjin


I fastly copy everything which professor wrote on board, i need to get above Ninety-Five cause i want to. Do i need reasons for that. Hello, I am Kim Seokjin Eldest Son of Kim Residence and also mother figure for my brothers.

Talking about those crack heads, they are patients of mental hospital. Just kidding, they are adopted but we love each other like any other sibling. We fight but we make up nothing serious just like any other family.

" Seokjin, did you wrote 43 one? " My seat mate Jerry nudge me still writting, i choose Bussiness management for graduation cause my father is business man and own world wide famous company K&S Tech. I might take over any one company of his he got many and maybe in this way i can help him.

" Yeah, i have take it later. " She hummed as she write 65 one, after choosing BM i lowkey regret it-- Then i think about my father and it inspire me to work harder on it. Bell rang as our BA lecture end, Business Analytics most irritating subject to study.

We have to study Managerial economics; Business statistics; Business environment; Corporate finance; International business. Finance only but i am lowkey happy cause this one covers my Business statistics and Corporate Finance subject.

It's my last year only 4 or 5 months are left in exam and then graduation and finally job, it's been hard for me and everyone especially for Dad after loosing mom in an accident. He is very lonely, he once had a girlfriend but it didn't end up well. I still ask him to see for partner but he never listen to me.

After mom's death my father drown himself in company leaving my brothers childhood on me. I don't blame him it's just-- It was hard for me. I was 11 and a kid i give them all love and care but sometimes we just burst out on each other, Yoongi helps me a lot when youngers cause trouble. He is most feared one among us cause of his savage personality, I have 6 siblings all brothers

I once asked father to adopt a baby sister cause sister hits different but it end up pretty bad, we adopt a girl she was very sweet at first but later she start breaking us and it somewhere affect youngest three. We throw her out immediately but we also know not everyone is like her--- We still don't trust though.

Our lunch break started as i collect my stuff while jerry wrote her missed question and handed me my notes. I gave her my signature smile and put it back in my bag, jerry is my favourite person to be with in class. She is not clingy or attention seeker like others, she mind her business but constantly give me company when we are free or bore.

I also like her boyfriend Tom, like are real life tom and jerry one time they will be love doves another second grabbing each other neck. They are famous in campus for being such a thrilling couples, they have there own community who always support them with #TomandJerrysupporters or #RealT&Jlovers very trendy here.

" Man your writing is shit " I scoff as i grab strap of my bag and throw it on my left shoulder while she carry her own

" How can you say that on my World Wide Handsome Face " She look at me slightly judging i know she is teasing me.

" You mean HandPump Face " I stop walking as i look at her laughing her ass off, i throw her a glare making her chug down her laugh

" I am sorry, Seokjin " She bump my shoulder playing here and there but soon squeal like a highschool girl as she run toward her boyfriend Tom and jump on his back. She never try to hide her affection or love for him, no matter where they are.

In blink of eye, she grab his hair while she grab her hands look like-- Wrestling to me. They are fighting again i shook my head as i remove them from each other and push them toward cafeteria. They are our only friend here or outside too you can say, they both belong from high class family we meet them in bussiness party too and have alliance in business also.

" Let's you both animals " They both struggke in my hold trying to leave from my grasp, Unlucky kiddo. I am experience one.

" We are not animals " They both scream together receiving many Aww and giggles from other students.

" Well Explain Tom and Jerry " Making the scoff and slap my hand away as they both looking away from my face with a big fat pout and left sulking. Who said only opposite attracts, Explain this.

I enter in cafeteria as i look at the menu-- I choose Third tray of food qhich had rice, kimchi, lamb stew with chicken soup. I grab free drink and made my way toward our usual seat. We are rich and have quite large amount of girls stick on our asses making everyone fear us, one reason is yoongi and his lashing out nature he don't spare us too.  Second, youngster of our family if they hate someone they make there life living hell.

I saw yoongi sleeping on table woth his good covered, i sat beside him waiting for others patiently soon they all came yoongi woke up we all start eating our food while enjoying Tom and Jerry new fight.

Just a normal day, it was

To Be Continue


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