part 13

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I went to home i was so tired i want to cuddle with any oppa and sleep they all think that i forget about what happened that night i remember i don't want them to know that i am a weak person i was in my thought while driving and a car came in front of me and i had a accident now i think god want me to come back to him but i want to spend some time with my oppas my new dad i didn't spend my time with him mom i didn't seen her laughing so hard in front of us .
??? : ohhh poor girl i won't shout you cos i know that you will die here so why should i make this case a murder it would be look like accident
Y/N : w..w..who ar...e yo..u p..please
??? : i did this accident to kill you why should i save you
Y/N : i..i..
I blank out
Bts pov
We all are sitting in living room waiting for our sis but when we call her in office they said she left 2 hrs ago then jin hung get a call
Jin : hello
??? : sir i find a girl name y/n i found her in car accident
Jin : w..which hospital
??? : xxxxxxxxxxx hospital
Jin : okay i will be here
Bts except jin : what happened
Jin : i will tell you in way call mom and dad we have to go
In car
Mom : what happened
Jin : y/n had an car accident
Dad : what
Bts : is she fine
Jin : the person told me to come as fast as possible
In hospital
Nurse : how ca..
Jin : kim Y/N
Nurse : oh she is in emergency room
Jin : thank you
??? : are you jin
Jin : yes i am jin and they all her my brother
??? : hii i am anna i find her in car accident she lost a lot of blood she hurt her head and her hands
Mom : thanku so much how is her condition
Anna : that's why i call you she need blood B negative doc gone to see if here was enough but i don't think so they will give her all cos it is rare blood
Rm : i have
Dad : i also have it and rm you recently got injured you cannot give her
Doc : may i kn..
Mom : we are her family
Doc : oh we don't has enough blo..
Dad : let's go i has B negative
Nurse : please come with me sir
After 2 hrs
Doc and dad came out
Doc : who was adult in boys please come with me
Jin : i am
In doc cabine
Doc : so i have 3 news 2 bad and 1 good which one you want to here first
Jin : bad
Doc : so she hit her hand so she cannot move her hand anymore but we did a surgery so she can move but cannot lift a heavy weight but if she want to lift heavy weight she have to do a lot of hand exercise and the nerves which got block it can be unlock and if they unlock her hand will become more strong 2 bad news is she hit her head so maybe it effect her eye sight not much but it will
Jin : and good one
Doc : in both injuries she can come to her normal stage
Jin : thanku doc
Doc : it's okay
He went out
Dad : what did he say
Jin told him everthing
Rm : that means she is fine
Jin : hmm
Mom : it cannot be a accident cos y/n is best driver ever she can come out between two truck middle space so there is something we don't know
Anna : well know i will take my leave aunt here is my no when she awake please tell me
Mom : okay but it's late now j-hope go with her
J-hope : okay mom 
Hobi went with anna
Dad : what now and what do you think who can it be
Mom : maybe our enemies
Bts : let's think about y/n she is more important now
Dad : you are right
Sorry for short part but yesterday i made a lot now i am short of ideas i will upload next part 22 dec or maybe
Tomorrow and don't forget to click on the ☆

Stepsiblings- Bond Of Heart & Trust       ( Under Heavy Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now