Chapter 5

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Park Jimin


It's been a week since Hari accept father proposal and ever since that everyone is digesting how we are going to have a +1 . Why +1 ? She is adult and work hard for survival. A cafe job can feed her well, she is working for extra vague means she have a child or childs.

Please be a male and elder i really cannot have a younger and female as a sibling. They are so clingy and baby tone, man my shits are already losing.

I walk toward my lecture room, it's my first year of college and to be honest i am hating my college life already. Taehyung seems to enjoy though but i personally didn't like it at all, girls really don't take no as answer and i really don't have patience much to explain when how they reek of gold digger.

I was mindlessly walking until a mindless person bump into me, there is whole corridor and still it decide to bump on me. I look toward the figure and roll my eyes, indeed she wouldn't see how the whole corridor is empty. She is a girl, she is on mission.

" I am sorry " And here goes there main female lead acting. ' I am sorry ' and then they think i will scream and they will call me ' YOU RUDE ASSHOLE ' And then i will bully them and then i will fall in love and we will end together forever. I can already see hearts in her eyes, can you be less Delulu.

I nod my head and ignore her but it just didn't end, she grab my wrist. I am feeling itchy already, i pull my wrist back. She fill her eyes with glycerine, can you please don't act like i didn't saw you filling your sockets with your damn nails.

" I am really sorry, please don't be mad " A cup of rat poison urgently a little guy need it here. I sign as i left her there but i know she will come around cause act doesn't end there only.

I went inside lecture room and took my seat not a moment ago i thought i was in peace until a BUNCH OF GIRLS came toward the seat beside me ripping each other hair for a mother fucking seat. I grab the seat from my side and throw it behind making them stop, i throw both seats of my sides and throw them death glare.

FUCK OFF WILL YOU. They all silently take other seat, i cry mentally and start focusing but how a human can focus when all girls in class look at you.

I gulp my anger not want to create a scene but it's really getting on my nerves, Hours passed soon lunch break started i jump from my seat grabbing my bag and phone. I left the class with a rail of girls behind my back.

I saw taehyung coming toward me but soon stop as he saw girls behind me and start walking in opposite direction. YOU MOTHER FETUS RASCAL, i smirk cause i know what to do.

" OMO! TAEHYUNG DID YOU ASK HER OUT. DID SHE SAY YES " All girls ears pricked up as they all ran toward his direction, he look at me with wide eyes as he start running for his life

" I WILL FUCKING SUE YOU PARK JIMIN " I laugh on him seeing him stumbling on shiny floor. Suit yourself. A hand rest on my shoulder i look at the person.

" Tom, i am really not your friend. Hope you remember that " he look at me and slap my butt, i some times think he is gay.

" Shut up, you little Chipmunk and tell me how to get in jerry nerves today. She is not minding me today "

" Gift her rotten cheese and say ' I watch you yesterday enjoying it ' BOOM! Hell will come at loose " He think for a while and nod his head with a smile of satisfaction.

" You can really get in nerves. I knew it. You indeed a nerve getter " Nerve getter YOU MOTHER VAGINA SHIT GUTTER . He just left while skipping his step.

I took a deep breathe and went toward canteen trying not to kill anyone in process but world seems to hate me. A girl wave her hand infront of me and stood infront of me.

" Look, i have enough of all of you. I am not interested in you or any girl who is inspired by y/n or even if she is normal. GET OUT FROM YOUR DELULU " I huff as i finally let it out and look at her, she look like as she is processing everything. She look at me and burst in fits of laughter

" I-I am s-sorry " She slap her thighs as she laugh more loudly whipping her tears and caught her breath.

" Actually i wants to ask about canteen, it's my first day. I guess you had your day pretty lady like " She again burst in laughter making her face red. Dammit! I made fool of myself.

" I thought you are fangirl or something, well i am going there too. You can join " She nod her head while controlling her laugh. She fan her face as she huff some air out

" Well Being DELULU is the SOLULU and I hope all your dreams become TRULULU so that it may chase away all your PROLULU " I laugh on her weird stanza as i shook my head. My judging her she is wearing uniform.

" Are you in 12th Grade? "

" Not exactly but in high school "

" Why are you in university side " she roll her eyes and huff in annoyances

" Bunch of girls miss lead me. I was traumatised by the fact how far canteen is " She pat her tummy as she skip few steps to keep up with me.

" How did you come in middle of year "

" They transfer me "

" Why? "

" They said i was on spotlight and i need big school to keep up with shit " She simply shrug and thank me for leading the way and left.

To Be Continue


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