Chapter 6

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Kim Taehyung


I reach my destination--- Canteen. Hyung have already bought my plate, i put my bag on side and took my seat. I look around to see our daily Tom and Jerry Episode but i couldn't see them.

" Where are they? " i stuff kimchi in my mouth as i look toward others for answer, they all point toward my behind . I turn around to see while chewing as soon i saw the view, i straighten my back and look at them. What the hell man

" When did she came back? " I whisper lightly not wanted to get hear by bitch.

" Just now " Jungkook sip his banana milk as he grin lile an evil bunny, FUCKING DOUBLE BUNNY. Only if i was informed i would have hide somewhere and die from starving.

" You guys are cruel " I almost cry seeing them smirking guess what my own brother hood betrayed me, GOD I AM COMING.

" TAEHYUNG-AHHHH " Why she sounds like Chloie from ladybug ADRIENNNNNN. Bad joke, i stand up as i break in sweat everyone turn there neck toward us. Look like we are today entertainer, i rub my sweaty palm on my jeans as i scratch my nape

" H-Hey Duh What's up " I point my both hand thumb and forefinger toward her making a gun sign while laughing on my tragedy, She stop on her place and wrap her hand around her chest/Breast whatever

" It's Duhie, Not Duh " I heard a snort from my behind, i look at jimin who had his palm clasps on his mouth, jin hyung face was huffed with food and his stiffed laughter. Yoongi hyung was pinching his nose from laughing, Hoseok hyung dig his face in his food while shoulder shaking, he is laughing. Namjoon hyung put dumpling in his mouth as Jungkook turn around while his shoulder shaking.

Everyone was silent one laugh and game is over, i look toward the pissed girl who was tapping her heels on marbel floor. I look at her as i gave her nervous forced smile

" I am sorry uh Girl. How are you it's been long since i saw you after uh washroom scene i guess "

" That wasn't embarrassing, was it? "

" Absolutely not Duhee, it was just hell on lose when you decide to throw out such stinky fart and it happens you got sick stomach and you poop. Not embarrassing it's just us who died " I didn't realise what i said in such silent, she turn red in embarrassment or anger. I cannot detect i bite my lips trying not laugh or say something.

A loud snort broke the hell, a loud and horse laugh broke the thread, jungkook laugh loudly as soon he heard it he was no more stuffing it. He lean on table as his body shook, jin hyung cough out all food in napkin which he had it ready, jimin kiss the floor as he roll down under table. Hoseok hyung lift his face up and throw himself on yoongi hyung who blow his pinch nose making disgusting noise as he laugh is heart out.

Namjoon choke on his dumpling, i look down at my feet trying my best not to burst out. Others were calm down even Duh left us cause of embarrassment but that one person who is not letting us stop.

A girl from few table away from us again burst into laughter making us laugh all over again, this time i didn't stop and laugh loudly.

" Y-Yah, St-Op " She held her stomach as she told us to stop, we all manage to stop somehow. Jungkook and she made an eye contact and both burst into fits of laughter.

" Sh-Shit! The smell " She manage to speak while laughing, jungkook slap the bench as he laugh more loudly making us lagh mkre hardly.

" The P-op " Jimin said inside the table, we saw him and laugh more hardly as we clutch our stomach, i will die from laughter today.

" Shh-Shh- No one will l-laugh " she said from far away as we all took deep breath and clench our lips, i heard Hoseok hyung laughing from nose making me laugh without noise, my stomach roll in pain as my shoulder did Disco diwane .

We all left the canteen cause it didn't seems to work, the girl followed us out and left toward another way her laugh echo in corridor making us laugh. We part our way, i went toward Garden as i sat down taking fresh air. My cheeks hurt from so much laughing as my bkdy seems bit dizzy but light.

Today wasn't bad that girl was quite boom to be honest, i have saw many girls who are not clingy but she was good in her way, i love the fact she was so open. She didn't try to play y/n of every rom-com, i was so feed up with them.

I went toward my classroom and take my lectures, our day end and i didn't get to notice that. We reach home just to greet by our father, he is early today and seems to be happy. He hug all of us one by one and took his seat.

" I have a good news " He sang it doesn't suit you dad

We all look at each other as we nod our head signal him to proceed.

" Hari said Yes for marriage. You guys are going to have a beautiful, lovely, fantastic, mind blowing and absolutely not y/n/m type of mother " We giggle on his way of description as we shook our head on his childish behaviour.

" And you will have younger sister " NO WAY. REALLY. I am not happy nor angry don't get me wrong. I don't have best experience of sister, i am judging her but it will be hard to accept a add on in sibling

" I was expecting that at some point, i would be shocked if there was no step-sibling " Jungkook shrug his shoulder as he lean backward. Today was interesting day.

To Be Continue


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