Chapter 3

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After such a hectic day we finally sat on SUV and drove back too our house, everyone is hella tired and sleepy. I look at youngest line playing games on phone, they aren't tired among us.

" I heard you got your result of half semester result today " Namjoon look at jungkook who look at him and then Jimin and taehyung as he hesitately nod his head.

" Hand over " Jungkook take out his report card from his bag and hand it over to namjoon, look like someone did poor this time. Yoongi hyung open his eyes looking at nervous Dongsaeng

" Did you fail? " yoongi hyung raise his brow, jungkook shook his head in no making hum scoff as he cross his arm around his chest.

" If you are pass, that's good enough. Chill " Jungkook look at namjoon as he scan his report card, youngest one chew his lips in nervousness making me nervous too.

" It's quite good koo, why are you scared after getting 95 " Yoongi hyung open his eyes as he look at jungkook with ' what is this ' face.

" You were acting like this after getting 95. Unbelievable " Yoongi hyung scoff as he sulk on his seat. Namjoon and other praise him for getting such a good score.

" Appa will be angry, I am second in clas- " a flying slipper land on his face making him winch in pain, i don't remember anyone wearing slipper. Jin hyung took the slipper and put in his bag.

" Hyung you carry your slipper " I look at him in disbelief, jungkook rub his red face in pain while other look at jin hyung with identify horror.

" It's a useful weapon. See it works " he throw his slipper on my face and i fell for it. My forehead sting while he gave me ' you wanna know more ' look

" I get it hyung " he put his slipper in his bag soon enough car stopped infront of mansion. One by one we step out and went inside.

" Auntie can we gave some refreshments " jin hyung shout for some snacks, he is all time hungry. Hungry jin hyung is better than hangry jin hyung.

Aunt lee came with our favourite snacks, i grab drinks from her whike jimin took cookies plate.

" How was the day kids "

" It was good but tiring "

We start talking about random things which we did in a day. We devour our snacks whole heartily and left to change our clothes.


It's been 8 sun is set and moon is glowing up on the sky. We saw our father car entering making us jump on our feet as we open the door. I hug my father which he returm gladly.

" Appa you are late " Taehyung sang as he jump on his back like a monkey, well he is one.

" I went to Soul Cafe " We all start teasing him making his face beet root red, he start blushing like a teenager.

" Any progress huh " I wiggle my brows teasing him more receiving a playful slap on my bum making me squeal.

" Today she told me about herself " he lose his tie and sat on couch, jungkook pick his cloth and put them away.

" Tell us " Everyone jump in excitement except yoongi hyung and namjoon hyung they are calm like rock.

" She is 45 year old and live on her own her husband abandon her long ago for her bestfriend, she have a daughter and she is very goofy and lovely person. Gosh i am already giddy while thinking how cute her daughter must be, she also said her daughter never get angry and always make fun a very lovely soul " He hug himself and giggle like a kid who get to hug his favourite action figure.

We all laugh on his such cute act as he look at us and then jungkook, he cough as he clear his throat.

" How was the result Koo? " jungkook become stiff on his place as he look at jimin and taehyung then others.

" I got 95 " Appa smile as he pat his back

" 1st right " Jungkook play with his fingers and cross them and shook his head.

" 2nd " Appa look at him as his smile fell we all became worry cause he always say be first or nothing.

" Who is first? " Jungkook bite his lips as he clutch his shirt

" Jackson he got 95.1 " Appa look at him and then nod his head it was just 1 percentage that was close to be honest a tough competition.

" In finals you make sure you come first. Okay " Jungkook nod his head finally releasing a heavy breath. Appa left to fresh up, jungkook throw his body on couch as he curl like a ball.

" He always pressure jungkook cause he is the youngest. Yoongi hyung barely get 80 but he say nothing to him " yoongi glare on jimin on which he nervously laugh and show peace sign

" He is very controlling sometimes, please do some magic god. It's really hard to manage everything " Namjoon pray as we all sign .

Later we had our dinner and went to sleep.

I also need a miracle for our life.

To Be Continue


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