Chapter 4

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Kim Namjoon


It's been two days since koo got his result dad also ask his crush to be his life partner and she left him hanging, he is quite depressed over that and occasionally burst out.

I decide to look after our deals and ships after all under ground work is hard to manage, we are mafia's. Now, don't go like Oh My No.1 mafia, enemies and shits.

We are mafia also known one but mafia world not usually have enemies we have spread alliance with everyone, who wants to live in fear. Sometimes when a new gang spread they can harm us but it's never family.

Mafia's don't include family we prefer to take our grudges on deals and business our maybe destroy there alliances, family is last option to touch.

There are many who can use family as a bait to overpower your empire but chances are less and we also stay alert, We are known as BTS we are mafia but we mostly help civilians and government. Before we relase we got a whole damn big ass fandom like a K-POP idol, they call themselves ARMY.

Government let us do our work for two reasons-- First, we are basically doing there work. Second, we got Trillion people as supporter, One scratch and they are ready to crash whole world. Quite sum of love it is, i never knew about that untill Hoseok was blame to be a drug smuggler.

I still remember whole social media was crashed by evidence how it was someone else, Thousands of people case on korea's government. I was traumatised cause that was unbelievable it was such a blessing to know how many people are willing to support you without knowing how we look like, it's unknown un-named love.

" Hyung, see Skylier release her new edits and we are mentioned too " Taehyung came jumping cause Skylier is his favourite Online Star and we got our own edit from her.

" Damn, she ate and left no crumbs " I look at our almost relatable edit. She quite get our face right except few parts like lips and nose and moles cause you cannot predict half face.

" She almost get Jimin face except jawline " He point toward jimin who looked some what similar except face shape.

" Indeed, But for now you go and study, it's your exam time. " His smile fall as he left sulking. I chuckle on his attics and get back to work .

I was engrossed on my work until my phone rang.

" Hello, Kim Residence "

" Kim Namjoon speaking "

" Can i talk to your father? "

" May i know your name, my lady "

" Myself Lee Hari "

" Let me connect your call, please stay on hold "

" Sure "

I hurriedly call my father his date is calling me for him. Did he block her or what, how she got my number. He pick up

" Did you block your date "

" What? "

" Did You block Hari? "

" What? No way! "

" I am on line "

" Wha- "


" You are connected, My lady "

" Thank your Mr Namjoon "

" Hari "

" Hi to you too Sehun "

" H-Hi "

" I cannot swallow you from another side of cell phone. Can i? Wait that sounds dirty, I mean another one. Depend on what you thought "

I put my hand on my mouth, damn. She is whole vibe.

" No, Yes, I mean Yeah but Shit! I am sorry "

She laugh on him i laugh while covering my mouth.

" Relax Sehun, will you "

" How are you? "

" I miss you "

I almost chock on her boldness, even father is. I can hear him blabbering shit.

" Wah! You don't miss me "

" No, I mean yes, i Miss YOU SO FUCKING MUCH "

He yell so loud making my ear beep

" Don't yell you big baby, i might go deaf. Will you marry me if i became deaf "

" Hari "

" OMO! You will not "

" Is this a prank "

" You know me better, you say "



Unconsciously i shout as well as Hari, everything went dead silent. I clear my throat as i began to speak.

" Couldn't keep my curiosity so i stay. Mianhe "

They both giggle as they hummed

" How do you get my number, my lady "

" Well, your father once gave for emergency "

" Wah! I am the backup "

" Kim you better attend your meeting we will meet in evening "

" I will finish it soon and then we will have lunch together "

" I will cook "

" Outside "

" My house "

" Hotel "

" We are not going "

" Your house. Done "

I silently chuckle on there bicker as they both hung up. I am sure father must be dancing like a freak, giggling like teenager.

" Hyung, have you saw my boxer "

" How could i see your boxer, jimin. First fond your jams then boxers, it will help "

I let sulking jimin and take a short nap. One of good day it is

To Be Continue


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