Chapter 10

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I look at the damn mansion, while my Mom straighten her dress. She took out her phone as she call her soon to be husband, i look at those damn guards with rifles with a walky talky wearing black shades.

Did i by any chance step in K-Drama? I took few pictures of mansion and guard untill my phone was snatched from my hand.

" You cannot click pictures without asking " I look toward the source of voice, i was the senior whom i helped few days ago. I quickly bow to him

" Hello, Senior. I was just mesmerized and decide to save it. I am sorry " he gave me my phone, i look behind to see my mom smiling toward me while a man wrap his hand around her shoulder.

I walk toward them and bow to him showing my gratitude

" It's nice to meet you, Mr. Kim " I gave him a smile which he return lovingly as he pull me in a big hug.

" I was so excited to meet you " We all walk inside the mansion.

" This is my youngest son, Jungkook. Now you are the youngest "

I gave him a smile as we walk toward living room. I sat beside my mom as she talk with Mr. Kim i look toward the bunch of noise source. Kim Brothers walking while bickering.

" Hari, these are my Son "

" I know them, Hello. I am Hari you can call me by my name too "

" Hello, I am Nanno call me Nanno"

We all sat together hearing our parents deciding what they want for wedding.

" Nanno, How old are you " The eldest one asked me, Kim Seokjin

" I am 16 year old "

" Wah! Jungkook you are no longer maknae " I saw jungkook making face but hide it with eye roll.

" Well, i am not really maknae. I am but he is maknae in kims. " Hoseok chuckle as he shook his hand while i look around trying to avoid awkwardness.

" She is not bad " Jungkook look at me and gave me his bunny smile.

" I remember you. Are you not that cafeteria girl? " i smile as i nod my head they all gasp except yoongi.

" I freaking knew it, she was that saviour girl " Taehyung gave me thumbs up along with his boxy smile.

" Look like you guys are blending well " Mr Kim commented while we all smile ear to ear.

" You all are okay with marriage? " My Mom ask everyone some said yes some showed thumbs up while some gave her reassuring smile.

" Should we do this, in a month or so ? " Mr Kim asked on which everyone agreed. I remember today was Unnie's result, i message her asking for her mark sheet.

" What are you doing, Nanno ? " Jimin-shi asked me making everyone look at me.

" I am asking Unnie about her 12th result. It was today "

" Jinja! Did she send, tell me she passed with fireworks " Mom boomed me with questions. I was about to answer her untill my phone vibrate, Unnie send me a pic. I scroll from last to top 11 where her Friend Zendaya is.

" Her Chingu is Top 11 "

" And her? "

" Didn't find her name yet "

" Is she not in Top 11 " I look at Mr Kim who look at me with so innocent eyes.

" Well, i was checking from last " Mom nod in understanding, it has become a habit now. We look from last to first, we have learn to never get our hopes high

" Is she that good in academics? " Jin-shi asked while i continue my search.

" Ani, She is very good in academics that's why she is studying in states. We just don't expect high or want to pressure her " I nod my head in yes on my mother words.

" JESUS YEAH " I jolt up from my seat making everyone startle.

" MOM, PARTY. PARTY. SHE TOPPED " We both squeal as we hop makimg a circle forgetting there are many new peoples who are unknown to our craziness.

" Who is that Unnie to you? " It was kind off rude but we ignore it all cause it's Yoongi.

" She is my elder daughter, Nanno's Unnie " Mom smile as she introduced unnie to others. Mr Kim frown as he look at her, Me and Sister don't get along much but we do back each other up

" I thought you had one daughter "

" I have two and my elder one is nothing like this small trouble maker " She pinch my nose making me scrunch my nose and rub it.

" They both are North and South, she is quite lazy but very strong for lazy ass "

" That's because she is taking strength classes from past 2 years, she have those biceps " i am big fan of my sister biceps and very little visible abs better than my foldings.

" She easily get irritate and very isolated

Stepsiblings- Bond Of Heart & Trust       ( Under Heavy Editing ) Where stories live. Discover now