Chapter 7

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Jeon Jungkook

My brows frown as i hear my older brother's talking themselves about how they should act when they will come and there assumptions about them, Dramatic that's the only word i have left for my brothers.

" Then we will act rude " Jimin Hyung smile as he gave Fiction idea. I look at others who are thinking hard don't tell me you all are considering that shit . I let out a scoff as i spread my legs on couch and became comfortable.

" It's not mafia princess fiction, hyung. Be logical once, that would be appreciated " he roll his eyes as he look away pouting like a baby.

" Let's just go with flow, don't complicate the thing " Yoongi hyung ends the talk which had no sense.


" WAKE UP " Someone shook me hardly making me fall on floor. I open my eyes as pain spread in my body, i roll on floor finally waking up.

" It's 7.30 Boy, you gonna be late " i jump on my feets and ran to shower. I wash my face and brush my teeth as i wear my uniform.

I ran toward dinning room everyone was done with breakfast. I grab a toast and banana milk as i ran out behind them. I jump inside the car and catch my breath.

" LET'S GO " They all sign together and took there respective seats.

" Why no one woke me up " Everyone stop and look at me with 'So Done 'expression

" We did try but someone was busy in his dreams " Namjoon hyund glare as he look at me.

" We can wake up anyone except a sleeping muscle pig " Jimin hyung snort on Taehyung hyung's sarcasm.

" What about Yoongi Hyung? "

" That's another case " Hoseok Hyung shrug it off while Jin Hyung wave his hand dramatically

" Basically we don't even try to wake him up cause no one wants a running angry cat behind there asses " Yoongi hyung look at him with always done expression as he compose himself.

" I don't speak to dorks, Level Up " Jin Hyung gasp dramatically as he put his hand on his chest as if it was coming out or what.


With all that chaos we reach our destination. We all calm down basically Jin hyung as we step out. NO, there is no fan girls THIS IS NOT FAN-FICTION of wattpad.

We all separate our ways as i went toward mine class our exams are on edge. Soon, i will be in university as i will major in psychology as my other older sibling.

I enter in my class and took my usual seat my seat mate Lee-Shun is absent from past few weeks. We were so worried for him until teacher told us he is very sick and will join us in exam time. He is very good companion ever since i have enter in 11 grade.

" Hey Jungkook " I look behind just to see Wu-Jin. She is pain in ass since 9th grade, she fucking choose her subjects after me.

I look straight cause i have no intention to have any talk with her and get my day ruin. I can sense her coming toward my seat, i put my bag on empty seat beside me. I can sense her irritation as she storm toward her own seat.

We all stand up as teacher came and gave him 90° degree bow. He gave us our date sheet of finals which are going to start after 4 or 5 days, we were provided blue print before on our devices .

Our whole day was free, we were given time to prepare for exam no one teach us. I am exhausted from today, as soon i heard bell ringing we all stand up and left toward cafeteria.

" Jungkook, wait " Wu-Jin blocked my way making me more frustrated than i was, i look around but there was no one. Life is shitting on me hard today.

" Leave, I am busy " I simply reply her but she didn't budge. I take two step backward but a hand touch my back, i look behind to see cafeteria girl who was laughing like horse that day.

" Are you senior from 12th grade? " I look at her in question mark but decide to gave in cause i also want to get out.

" Yes " She look behind me as she get the glimpse of Wu-Jin who was glaring at her.

" Actually someone call for you in cafeteria, urgently " She point toward the way i hummed as i went toward there just get blocked by Wu-Jin again.

" And who was that Someone " Wu-Jin cross her hands as she tap her feet on ground while the junior just stand there.

" Unnie, i am new and i don't know the name but i know the face " Wu-Jin huff as she left i went toward cafeteria cause i am damn late.

To Be Continue


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