Chapter 08

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They said happiness is a choice, guess I didn’t realized that when I chose to leave and have a life on my own.

When I left, I had leaved my happiness with it.

Dad had asked me that time, when I am packing my things.

‘Are you sure about this?’ He asked. I don’t know really what to answer, so I lied.

‘Yes Papa, I’m sure about this.’

And on that first year away from them, when Papa and Mama and my two little siblings came to visit me, my Papa asked.

‘Are you happy?’ still, I lied.

‘I can see it in your eyes, my Mika is not the Mika I am talking to right now.’ He said and hugs me.

‘You know I don’t like seeing you like this. I hope soon you’ll get back that happiness. Please, for Kierra.’ He said and walks to my siblings who are enjoying the beach.

I looked at my little girl who is sleeping soundly beside me.

Soon baby, soon.

I am busy with my thoughts when someone kissed me on my cheeks.

I looked up and saw the one that best describes my happiness.

Kiefer Ravena.

‘Sorry anong oras na, daming tao pa kasi gustong magpapicture.’ He said, in his arms is my Kierra, sleeping.

‘Kawawa naman baby ko.’ I said as I get Kierra from him, and put her inside her room.

Di na kasi ako sumama sa exhibition game niya. I just stayed here sa condo with the Lings. Sila na lang nina Yaya Plo and Kierra.

‘Where are the Lings na?’ He asked, sinundan pala kami dito sa room ni Kierra.

‘Maglilibot muna daw sila, baka mag night out daw sila later. Sabi ko we’ll see them tomorrow na lang sa mardi gras.’ I said as I took off Kierra’s shoes. Tulog mantika ang baby oh.

‘Oh uhmmmm…’

‘I’ll just take a quick shower Kief.’ I said and go out from Kierra’s room.

‘Sabay na tayo.’ He teased.

‘Ayan ka nanaman eh.’ I said and went inside my room. Ang Ravena sumunod pa talaga sa room.

‘Kiefer…’ I said as I heard him lock the door.

He slowly went near me and locks me in his arms, then started kissing my neck.

‘Kief…er…’ I was slowly starting to give in. Not again please.

‘Stop me…’ he said. But no, my body’s reacting to his every touch. Then I realized I am responding to his every move. He was now straddling me, not the best position we are now, but that didn’t stop the intensity we are having.

I responded to him, kissed him senselessly. He was now kissing me downwards. I can feel something’s poking. Oh God Kiefer, why can’t I say not to this?

‘Baby…’ I ran my hands through his thick hair. Pulling it, while he’s busy kissing my neck, to the center of my chest. Oh God, this feeling. Kiefer, oh the things you do to me.

Making out in my dresser, not minding, that for sure Yaya Plo is just outside, that she could hear something.

Eto nanaman kami, hindi na talaga nahiya kay Yaya Plo. Yes, Yaya Plo.

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