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Tied at 74.

Less than three seconds on the clock, and its FEU's ball possession.

I'm praying this game will go on to overtime. Please be on to overtime.

I was guarding Mac, really guarding Mac... The cheers from the crowd got me distracted, Mac faked, and he got off my guard. I ran for Mac, but he already got positioned and it's too late for me, RR passed him the ball, and shoots.

Dead air, as the ball goes round and round the ring until it got in.


At 1.4 seconds, they're ahead two points.

Still got a chance for overtime. Wong got the ball, thought that would call a foul but didn't.

The buzzer signals the end of the game.

FEU players jumping and rejoicing, as the crowd roaring of happiness.

ADMU lost. We lost.

I failed my school, I failed my team again. I failed myself again. I failed.

Being sports, I shake hands with the players, got to hug and shake hands with Coach Nash.

As our school's hymn was being played, I was scanning thru the crowd, searching...

I saw Mama with Dani just staring at me, tears strolling down her beautiful face. Oh Mama.

It breaks me. All those kagaguhan that I've done. Just keeps flashing on my head. Karma ko na ba to? My last playing year's wasted.

Failed. Syntax error.

And just after the hymn ended, my legs turned jelly. I can't take this anymore. I fell down the floor.

And cried myself.

I am just a failure.

Ang sakit.

Von came to me and tried to comfort me. My buddy for years. We've carried this blue and white uniforms together for years, since elementary. And now, is the last day we'll gonna wear this uniform.

After Von shoots my senses, I'm already back on my feet.

I searched someone in the crowd. And didn't found it.


But then I saw Mama again. She's still crying. Mama, I know you're still proud of me.

I ran to Mama, and hug the life out of her. I cried. I cried.

'You did your best Manong. I'm so proud of you.' Mama said as I tightened my hug on her. Dani's beside us, crying too and holds my shoulder.

'Ikaw pa din MVP namin Manong.' Dani said. I smiled, and hug her too.

'Thank you!' #OBF'

I tweeted immediately as our student manager handed me my phone.

Press room interviews still.

Got a lot of messages from my schoolmates, friends, relatives, saying it's a job well done. They're still proud of me.

Well, it did lessen my worries.

But there's this one person I am expecting so much. Just a text from this person and all my worries vanish.

But still, no text.

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