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Mew llegó a su casillero para sacar los libros para su siguiente clase y vio una pequeña pelota de football, cuando la agarró, se dio cuenta que la podía aplastar y le dio risa, al costado vio una tarjeta y la guardo.
Mientras caminaba hasta su salón para su clase, iba poniendo la pelota de football en su llavero, sin duda era algo que lo cuidaria mucho.

La clase transcurrió normal, como siempre Mew prestó atención a clases y esperó a que sea el receso para comprar algo y leer la nota.
Las horas se pasaron volando, cuando salió del salón se encontró con sus amigos y fueron juntos a la cafetería.

-Te compro algo?- hablo Mild hacia Mew

-Si, una hamburguesa y un pedazo de Red Velvet- Mew sonrió

-Y ese milagro que no me pides de chocolate?-

-Pues siempre hay que varias y esa me gusto- Mew volvió a sonreír recordando el día que comió aquella torta

Mew y Eduardo fueron a sentarse en una mesa, esperando a Mild, la cola era algo larga así que hablaron de cosas X y Mew como siempre, se puso a leer sus libros como si fueran lo más interesante del mundo.
Aprovecho en sacar la nota, la puso encima del libro que estaba leyendo y la abrió.

Después de que todos comieron, se fueron a la cancha, Mew estaba algo emocionado, no sabía si se encontraría a la persona que le enviaba aquellas tarjetas, esperaba que si.

"Me encanta verte jugar football, quizá hoy esté viéndote, más que ganar, diviértete jugando, veo tu felicidad y es increíble"


Mew came to her locker to check out the books for her next class and saw a small football, when she grabbed it, he realized that she could squash it and he laughed, next to it she saw a card and put it away.
As he walked to his classroom for his class, he was putting the football on his keychain, without a doubt it was something that would take great care of him.

The class passed normally, as always Mew paid attention to classes and waited for recess to buy something and read the note.
The hours flew by, when he left the room he met his friends and they went to the cafeteria together.

-I buy you something?- Mild spoke to Mew

-Yes, a hamburger and a piece of Red Velvet- Mew smiled

-And that miracle that you don't ask me for chocolate?-

-Well, there are always several and I liked that one- Mew smiled again remembering the day he ate that cake

Mew and Eduardo went to sit at a table, waiting for Mild, the line was a bit long so they talked about X and Mew things as usual, he began to read his books as if they were the most interesting thing in the world.
I take the opportunity to take out the note, put it on top of the book he was reading and opened it.

After everyone had eaten, they went to the court, Mew was somewhat excited, he did not know if the person who sent him those cards would be found, he hoped so.

"I love watching you play football, maybe today I'm watching you, more than winning, have fun playing, I see your happiness and it's incredible"


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Espero les esté gustando mucho la historia, de verdad me da ternura y gracia escribirla.

Sígueme ❁❀
Deja tu estrellita ❁❀
Gracias por leer ❁❀
I hope you are enjoying the story a lot, it really gives me tenderness and grace to write it.

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