: 001

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"Hajun! Get ready soon!" Says Hanami while waiting near hajun's room for Hajun to show up, They are now going to the Lee Residence to Apologize to Lee Minjun

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"Hajun! Get ready soon!" Says Hanami while waiting near hajun's room for Hajun to show up, They are now going to the Lee Residence to Apologize to Lee Minjun.

"Here I am Momma!" Says Hajun while getting out of his room

"He looks a lot like Haruto Watanabe"

"Mommy!" Hajun's loud voice made Hanami snapped back to reality as she bends down to kiss her Son.

"Come on! Let's go" says Hanami holding Hajun's hand happily.


[At the Lee Residence]

"Mrs. Lee and Mr. Lee we are here to apologize for what happened Yesterday with Lee Minjun, I'm truly very sorry on my Hajun's behalf" says Hanami respectively which clearly shows how decent she is.

"Hajun. . ." The way Hanami calls out his name that totally makes Hajun understand what his mom is meaning.

"I'm sorry" Hajun says as he clinches his fist, Hajun really hates the fact that he is saying sorry for something he was never wronged for.

"Sorry won't work! You'll have to kneel down!" Says Lee Minjun


"Hajun" Hanami says as she holds her son's hand tightly cause Hajun is seemed to be murder Minjun right now.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Lee, but I've never taught Hajun to kneel down before someone. . . I guess you don't accept our apology" says Hanami getting sad and bowing to them as She was about to leave the house but then

"The principal's brother is my best friend till childhood, I can tell him to Kick your son out of the school if your son doesn't kneel down before my son Minjun" says Mr. Lee as Hanami looks at him being shocked at thinking how hard it was for her to enroll Hajun in the Starise kindergarten.

"Mom! I'll kneel down! Please Uncle don't kick me out of the school" says Hajun with teary eyes, as Hajun has an unconditional love towards his school because he loves to study a lot.

"Hajun no!" Says Hanami while closing her eyes.

"I dare you to lay a hand on my son!"

"Mr. Watanabe?" Says Mrs. Lee silently.

"Your son?" Asks Mr. Lee while furrowing his eye brows

"You may not know that Osaki Hajun is my biological son-" explains Haruto

"I'm really very sorry! But Why were you here Mr. Watanabe?" Again asks Mr. Lee

"I was here to discuss you about your company collaboration with "Watanabe marketing industries" but you can forget it now, cause I've changed my decision about the Collab to you for misbehaving with my Son. . . . And. . . . That girl"

"Let's go Hajun!" Says Hanami while Dragging Hajun out of the Lee Residence and also taking a glance at Haruto.

"Thanks a lot for rescuing us! Handsome Uncle. . ." Says Hajun bowing and smiling to Haruto as Haruto smiling back before He was dragged outside by Hanami.

[Next Coming up. . . .: 002]

???: Sign this paper, This contract says You can stay with Watanabe Hajun for 2 months in the Watanabe Residence only, And then you'll have to leave him. . . .

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