: 003

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"Mom Let's have some food!" Hajun screams as He was being hold by his grandma to the dining room forcefully

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"Mom Let's have some food!" Hajun screams as He was being hold by his grandma to the dining room forcefully.

"Yes baby I'm coming. . ." Hanami Says as she takes a seat beside Hajun when Haruto arrives and was about to sit at the opposite direction

"Daddy! Why are you not sitting with us?" Hajun asks as Haruto tilts his head at his question.

"Alright I'll sit here. . ." Says Haruto as he moves to Hajun.

"No! I want you to sit with momma!" Hajun says while dragging his daddy towards an empty seat beside his momma.

The Watanabe family takes glances at each other while Haruto and Hanami starts to glare at each other when Hajun said
"What happened?"

"Nothing baby~" Hanami says while smiling

"Yes! I'll of course sit with your momma~" says Haruto as he didn't wanted to make Hajun sad.

"Come on hajunie I'll feed you a spoonful of Soup, okay?" Haruto asks as Hajun opens his mouth wide open so that Haruto could feed him. Hanami was much satisfied that they are getting along really well.


"Rise and Shine Hajun~ it's time for school" Hanami said as She wokes Hajun up

"You can go I'll get ready~" says Hajun while rubbing his eyes as Hanami kisses him and goes to the kitchen to make lunch for Hajun

As Hanami was busy working in the kitchen Haruto sat inside the dining space while wearing his Office suit He looks hot. . . Hanami thinks as she quickly snapped out of her thoughts in the voice of Hajun, the little boy runs to his Daddy and kisses and hugs him.

"You look cute on that school uniform~" says Haruto as he pinches Hajun's nose

"Thank you" replies Hajun.


After the cutest Family had their breakfast, they proceeded towards their car, As Haruto is going to his office and Hajun is going to his school, When Hajun says

"Momma please I want you to come too!" Hajun says stubbornly as Hanami looks at Haruto wanting permission from him while Haruto slowly nods a yes

"Yeah sure~" Hanami smiles and says

"Momma! Sit next to Daddy!" Again Hajun stubbornly says and Hanami also does what her kid is saying and sits beside the driver seat next to Haruto while Hajun is on the back.


In their ride to Hajun's school,

"No one in school is gonna bully me now! Cause I finally got a Daddy~" says Hajun making his parents smile while Haruto secretly tooks a glance at Hanami

'She is cute and hot at the same time' thinks Haruto and smirks slightly at his bad thoughts

"Mr. Watanabe! The school is here" Hanami says as Haruto snaps back to Reality,

"Momma! Daddy! Let's hold hands~" Hajun says while Haruto lends his hand to Hajun and Also Hanami.

They both knew that Hajun is wanting to show off her Pretty mother and such a handsome father, and Surely he got the most Fantastic genes from them!

Hajun waves bye at his parents before walking inside his class as Haruto and Hanami also waves back.


They are again in the car while Hanami will be dropped at home by Haruto and after that he'll go to his office, they are much awkward with each other without Hajun.


After getting dropped at home by Haruto, She decided to Meet up with her best friend Kim Seunghun, she got ready and she was indeed looking beautiful. She quickly got a cab and told her the address.


"Ayoo! Wassup!" Says Seunghun while doing an high five with his best friend as She takes a seat in the café.

"What do you wanna drink?" Asks Seunghun.

"An chocolate boba shake please~" Hanami replies cutely making Seunghun smile at his friend.

"Excuse me! One Cafe latte and one chocolate boba shake with lots of chocolate chips please" Seunghun orders to a waiter and gives the payment.

"How did you know I love chocolate chips?" Hanami asks as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"I'm know you really well from the past 15 years Duhh-" Seunghun says as he flickers her head

"Ouchh that hurts- Remember when we first met?" Asks Hanami teasingly.

"Oh yeahh- we were 5 years old, and you saved me from getting bullied, You literally broke that kid's bones gurl- I hope he is fine till now" Seunghun jokingly said as Hanami laughs out loud.

"By the way- where is Hajun?" Asks Seunghun while looking around.

"To school!" Replies Hanami.

"I've heard that you are living with that bitch Haruto in his mansion?" Asks Seunghun while sipping his latte.

"Yeah, He wants to live with Hajun and you also know that Hajun can't live without me-"

"After total 5 years he remembered Hajun? Like seriously?" Says Seunghun while getting almost mad but Hanami stayed silent.

"Why don't you continue your studies?" Asks Seunghun.

"Seunghun! You already know why I didn't continued my studies!" Says Hanami.

"But you wanted to be a interior designer didn't you? And you're also we're good on your studies" Again asks Seunghun as Hanami nods.

"Seunghun, I got pregnant literally on the age of 15, I couldn't study or do anything else for Hajun and I don't have much money to study after my family gone bankrupt" Hanami says while holding back her tears.

"I'll take the responsibility of your studies! You have to become a interior designer, Hanami you can't give up on your dreams!" Seunghun says tilting her head up and cupping her face.

"Are. . . You. . . Sure?"

[Next Coming up. . . : 004]

"Hello pretty~"

"Hey are you flirting with me?"

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