: 006

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"Mom. . . Dad. . ." Both parents looks up to their only son no one other than Hajun "Yes? Baby" Hanami kisses his hands while replying "Dad, Can we go to an amusement park?" Hajun states  while Haruto nods making the young child jumping around the room in Happiness "I'll cancel all my meetings for tomorrow then." Haruto gets up while heading towards his Study room, "I'll ask my boss for a leave tomorrow" Hanami grabs her phone dialing a number


"Hello sir, Osaki Hanami speaking"

"Oh yeah what is it?"

"Can I take a leave tomorrow?"

"Umm. . . No actually, Tomorrow I have a meeting and I surely want you to be there"

"But. . ."

"No buts, I'll hang up"

The boss hangs up the phone leaving Hanami speechless Kim Doyoung is surely a Bitch-

"Hajun, Baby I'm sorry but I have works tomorrow" Hanami says while Hajun's smiley face was seen a little sad "What happened?" Haruto came inside the room as Hajun hugs him tightly "I have works tomorrow and I can't go to the amusement park with you guys" Hanami was about to complete her sentence when Haruto cuts off her words by saying "Your work is more important than your family?", "Family? You're not a part of that actually" Hanami says as she stood up "What the heck are you saying?" Haruto grabs her shoulder "You're just Hajun's dad, and nothing else for me" Haruto pins her to the wall as Hanami grips on his collar, "MOM DAD! CAN YOU GUYS STOP NOW?" Hajun's voice made the adults look at each other in Frustration "We're sorry Hajun. . ." Haruto grabs on his son tightly pulling him in a hug "Mom is sorry too" Hanami was trying her best to not cry "Don't say sorry to me. . say sorry to each other" They both look at each other avoiding a eye-contact "Sorry. . ." Hajun's parents looked away "I swear Hajun, I'll go with you guys on Sunday" Hanami says while running towards her bedroom, She laid on the bed as she got a call from her boss again

"Hello sir"

"Osaki Hanami, can you hear me?"

"Yes sir I can"

"I want to meet you at XXX restaurant tomorrow, You can bring your son with you"

"What about the meeting you were talking about earlier?"

"Meeting cancelled, cause I want to meet you in person tomorrow, Don't be late"

Kim Doyoung hangs up the phone as Hanami furrowed her brows, What happened to him?


Hanami wakes Hajun up "Baby, We are going to a restaurant wake up!" Hajun opened his eyes as he smiled and hugged his beloved mother "Good Morning momma" he says in his deep husky voice "I'll make the breakfast until then you can get ready" Hajun nods at his mother's statement.


Mother and son enters the 5 star restaurant together as a waiter approached them "Osaki Hanami? Kim Doyoung has reserved a private space this way. . ." The waiter leaded them to Kim Doyoung and left "Osaki Hanami, Take a seat" Doyoung gestured to the opposite seat, as Hajun sits beside his mother, Tugging on her peach colored dress, "Hello, Osaki Hajun" Doyoung reached out his hand for a handshake as Hajun looked at his mother asking for a permission while Hanami nods "And you are?" Hajun questions while Doyoung says "Uncle Dobby" Hajun smiled at him thinking how friendly he is, "Why did you called me here?" Hanami asks which made Doyoung smirk "Just to see you actually" Hanami's gaze fell upon Doyoung while he looks towards another direction "Just kidding, I called you to meet Hajun" He says while holding Hajun's hands "How will you feel if I am your dad?"  Doyoung asks to Hajun making Hanami gulp "You're really friendly, good looking and you also seem to have a nice heart, so I'd love to have you as my dad!" Hajun says while sipping on his Chocolate milkshake as Doyoung takes a glance at Hanami "You're really pretty. . . Want to be mine?",


Hajun: Mom wanna ride the roller coaster?!

[Next Coming up. . . : 007]

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