: 005

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Hanami rushed out of her bedroom as she unknowingly bumps on Watanabe Haruto "Where are you going early in the morning? And where's Hajun?"

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Hanami rushed out of her bedroom as she unknowingly bumps on Watanabe Haruto "Where are you going early in the morning? And where's Hajun?"

"I'm going somewhere and it's none of your business and Hajun is sleeping so Bye-" Hanami turns her head to went out of the Watanabe Residence as Haruto grabs on her wrist tightly "You are my Son's Mother and I have the right to know wherever you are going"

Hanami sighs and shrugged off his hand "I'm going for a interview as a interior designer. . . You got it?" Hanami again dashes towards the main gate when she hears "Can I drop you?"

"No thank you-" Hanami was quite annoyed at Haruto with these nonsense early in the morning "Then you should take my car with you" Hanami agrees to Haruto as he was forcing her to use his car.


Hanami takes a deep breath before walking inside the huge company of "Kim Interior designs" The Japanese female walks through the lobby awkwardly until she saw a fimiliar figure standing nearby the elevator, "Kim Junkyu?" She runs towards Junkyu as Junkyu gives her a wide smile, "Are you excited for your interview?"

"Of course I am! But do you think I'll be able to make it?"

"Yes of course! I know Kim Doyoung the CEO of Kim Interior designs really well as he is my younger brother~ And he'll surely love a girl- I mean a assistant like you!" Junkyu's encouraging words made Hanami feel more confident about Herself. "Thank you so much!"

"Umm. . . I guess you're running late so. . . You will be going to the 13th floor to Kim Doyoung's Office alright?" Junkyu explains as Hanami nods

"Let's get it Hanami!" Junkyu Cheers while Pouting as Hanami smiles at him before reaching the elevator.


"Where is Kim Doyoung's Office God?" Hanami was roaming around the huge 13th Floor when a guy bumps onto her and all her paperwork flys to somewhere "Hey! Don't you have something called Eye?" Hanami was still sitting on the ground not being able to get up "oh I'm sorry miss" The guy helped Hanami to pick up her Paperwork's and helped to get her up while Hanami fixes her Skirt "Never saw you here before" the guy asked "I'm here for Interview, But where's Kim Doyoung's Office?" Hanami asked "oh it's right there" the guy says as they both turned to their own direction when Hanami asks "what is your name tho?"

"Yoshi! I'm Kanemoto Yoshinori~" Yoshi reaches his hands for a Handshake as Hanami didn't hesitated to accept it "Miss you're running late" Yoshi's sudden statement made Hanami realize that she is Already late on her first interview as she quickly dashed towards Kim Doyoung's Office after Bowing to Yoshi.


Hanami knocks before entering Kim Doyoung's Office after she asks "Sir, May I come in?" She went inside as she heard a manly voice saying "Yes"

"Sit here" says Kim Doyoung as he kept swinging on his Chair, Hanami takes a seat On the Chair infront as Doyoung says "Don't be nervous, and answer my questions wisely" Hanami nods at Him.

"Your name is Osaki Hanami?" Doyoung asks as he kept flipping the pages of Hanami's interview paper while Hanami nods

"Will you be responsible enough for this work? And why you want to be a interior designer?"

"Yes I can be responsible enough for this work, And it's always been my dream to work as a interior designer"

"Okay, So why are you working under this Company?"

"I was scouted by Kim Junkyu in a café as he saw me studying interior designing"

"Are you married?" Doyoung asked which made Hanami have a eye contact with him.

"I'm not married but I have a 5 year old Kid name Osaki Hajun" her speech made a visible frown on Doyoung's face.

"Alright! Come here tomorrow and I'll tell you if you're passed or not" the older male said while arranging the papers, Hanami bows and was about to go outside of his office when she heard Kim Doyoung say "Are you free Tonight?" Doyoung statement made Hanami feel something was fishy about her new CEO "But aren't you my boss?"


???: You're really Pretty, Want to be mine?

[Next Coming up. . . :006]

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