: 009

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Walking down the stairs, holding his pretended sweet husband's hand

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Walking down the stairs, holding his pretended sweet husband's hand. Hanami headed downstairs like a queen where she noticed some known figures that caught her eyes. Kim Doyoung and Takata Mashiho ??

Mashiho's face didn't changed even after years of their growth that Hanami recognized him at a glance. Three popular companies were together having a party for their collaboration project 'Watanabe  marketing  industries' , 'Kim Interior designs' & 'Yoon foundation limited'

Haruto walked within Hanami towards Takata Mashiho and Kim Doyoung, Doyoung smiled cheekily "Your wife?" , "yeah" Haruto replied keeping a poker face but seeing Mashiho's face Hanami was cleared that he knew what Hanami actually was to Haruto. "Mashiho, I know you" Hanami urged trying to make a conversation with an old best friend.  "You may have saw me news presenting?" Mashiho said with a smile but Hanami was sad that her old best friend has now forgotten her. "Uh-" before proceeding her words she was greeted with her older brother Hiroshi with her son Hajun on his arms. "How are you sis?" He politely hugged his younger sister and kept Hajun down. As Hiroshi worked as an employee at 'Yoon foundation limited' he was invited to the party. "I'm good!" She smiled.

From a long distance, the girl in silk red dress caught Yoon Jaehyuk's eyes. "Osaki Hanami, our employee Osaki Hiroshi's younger sister + Watanabe Haruto's child's mother" Asahi informs to the older male staring at Hanami's direction "Haruto got. . . A damn meal" He tilts his head and keeps his glass of wine, heading towards the happiest girl who was adoring her baby.

"Osaki Hanami?" Yoon Jaehyuk stood beside the young girl who nodded politely "I'm your brother's CEO,  nice to meet you" he forwarded his hand for a shake as Hanami accepted it decently "Haruto Watanabe's wife?" He asked furrowing his brows as Hanami says "No no ! I mean- we are not married yet. he's just my child's father for now" Hanami's wise words made Jaehyuk chuckle "Haruto destroyed your life by getting you pregnant at such young age. well, he's my rival too. Don't you think he deserves what he gets as a punishment Hanami?" He continues "Pardon, Mr. Yoon" Hanami spoke out, she was loyal as no one could ever be "I'm just saying you can help me get revenge cause in your beautiful eyes I see pain" Jaehyuk looked at her eyes "I'll help you build your child a better future if you work with me against Haruto Watanabe" he whispered to her as Hanami glared into his eyes


After bidding byes with the guests, Hajun slept soon as it was late at night. "Thank you for the dress Mr. Watanabe" Hanami said as Haruto made a idk-face and looked at her "What dress are you talking about?", "oh please Watanabe I know this trick of yours, you'd gift me and then you say you didn't, right?" The blonde tilted her head, playfully hitting her ex boyfriend's shoulder as he flashed a smile.

"You're welcome chocopie"

"Wait. . That was the nickname you called me when we dated"

Haruto: Hanami you can't join Kim Interior designs

[Next Coming Up. . . :010]


Update after so long !! Don't worry guys I'm not dead yet TT but i hope you loved the chap ! Review it~ love you mwahh <33

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