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"Now let's go enjoy ourselves," declared Rebecca, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Oh, found my first victim," she exclaimed, darting towards a dark-haired figure by the bar. Aria quickly followed suit, and soon both were chatting animatedly with two boys. Rolling my eyes, I felt the need to distance myself from their overt flirtations—I needed a drink.

Choosing a quieter bar away from my friends, I approached the bartender and asked for a gin and tonic. He frowned slightly at my mundane request but complied, sliding a glass across the counter before returning to a more intriguing customer.

A handsome dark-haired man sat across the bar, his aura captivating the surrounding space. His smile, while casual and directed at the bartender, had an enchanting quality that seemed to mesmerize anyone it was bestowed upon. Two dimples, one deeper than the other, graced his cheeks, adding an irresistible charm to his otherwise perfect demeanor. His brown hair was artfully tousled, and the amused arch of his eyebrows gave him an air of approachable mystery. Beautiful was an understatement. As I brought the drink to my lips, our eyes locked. Unfazed, he continued his conversation, his gaze interlocking with mine, intensifying in warmth as if recognizing an old friend. With a reluctant tilt of my head, I broke the mesmerizing connection, the lingering sensation of familiarity puzzling me. When I dared another glance, he had slipped away, leaving a trace of unspoken curiosity behind. I looked around the ballroom in search of the King and Queen. I wondered where they ran off to.

"A gin and tonic, huh?" whispered a velvety voice that sent a shiver down my spine. Turning, I found myself facing the same enchanting man from earlier. He had closed the gap between us, his deep brown eyes now studying me with an intensity that felt both exhilarating and safe. "Only one of the most basic drinks out there," he teased, a playful smirk playing on his lips.

I let out a breath, one I hadn't realized I'd been holding, and downed. my drink in one go, I hoped the liquor would steady my suddenly nervous heart. It didn't. I signaled for another, trying to regain my composure.

"You can't handle more than one drink," he commented casually, sitting beside me. His elbows rested on the bar, and he looked at me with an expression full of amusement. 

"How do you know how many I can handle?" I challenged, intrigued, and defensively.

"Just an instinct," he replied, his smile lethal in its charm. If smiles could kill, I thought wryly, I'd be long dead.

Before I could delve deeper into his curious knowledge of my preferences, a woman in a striking red dress approached, whispering something into his ear. He nodded slightly and shifted to make room for her, turning his attention towards her. Feeling a twinge of something inexplicable, I turned away and quickly finished my second drink.

Just then, a cool breeze touched my neck, and I turned to find a tanned man with long black hair and tattoo-covered arms standing behind me. His presence exuded a different kind of intensity. "Care for a dance?" he asked, his voice smooth yet somehow unsettling.

"I don't dance," I replied, hoping he would lose interest.

"Come on, you can't sit here all night. My name is Derek, by the way," he persisted, touching my arm lightly. The contact sent an involuntary shiver down my spine. Despite my initial refusal, something about his gaze compelled me.

"I'm Caroline. I guess I could go for one dance," I found myself agreeing, confused by my own compliance. As he took my hand, I noticed a significant scar on his palm, which made me flinch as a wave of unexplained pain coursed through my head. He led me to the dance floor, his grip firm yet gentle, and as we began to dance, his dark blue eyes seemed to hold a shadow that was at odds with the festive lights.

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