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Little flickers of morning light escaped past the curtains, falling softly on my eyes. As I opened them, the room was bathed in a warm morning glow. Confusion set in as I tried to piece together how I ended up back home. The memory of Derek's menacing presence and Nathan's urgent rescue played back in my mind, chilling me to the bone.

I attempted to shake off the remnants of fear, but the echo of Derek's threats lingered, intertwining with what Nathan had revealed about the dragon powers and the underlying currents of jealousy and rivalry among the knights. The idea that my inherent abilities could cause discord and fear among those sworn to protect the kingdom was unsettling.

Rubbing my temples, I tried to dispel the fog of confusion. This wasn't like any discomfort I had known; it was a deeper, more disorienting sensation, as if layers of my life were hidden from me, obscured by forces beyond my understanding.

I slowly stood, my reflection in the mirror catching my eye. My appearance was a stark reminder of the night's turmoil—curls tousled and unkempt, dark circles painting a tale of unrest beneath my pale cheeks. The thought of anyone seeing me in such a state was mortifying.

With a deep breath, I pulled my shirt gently, half-expecting to find a mark or a bruise, a physical testament to the night's reality. But there was nothing—my skin unmarred and smooth. Could it have been a dream? The question haunted me as I quickly dressed and made my way to the bathroom.

The shower's warm cascade offered a momentary refuge, the water enveloping me as I tried to make sense of the fragmented memories. As I stood there, enveloped in steam and warmth, my thoughts drifted to the purple flames I had seen the night before—the manifestation of my powers that Nathan had spoken of. There they were again, flickering around my fingertips, beautiful yet terrifying in their potential.

I need to understand this, to control it, I thought, watching the flames dance and then subside. Nathan's words about training at the castle echoed in my mind. He believed that someone like me was needed, that the answers and understanding I sought could be found there. Could training help me piece together the fragmented memories and unclear truths of my past?

Resolved, I dressed in a purple athletic bra paired with a crop top and black leggings, attire that made me feel both empowered and prepared to face whatever lay ahead. The quiet of the early morning soothed my nerves as I left the house, the fresh spring air filling my lungs.

The walk to the castle was short, but each step was heavy with anticipation and resolve. The guards at the entrance, now in less formal attire, nodded as I approached.

"Hello," I greeted them, my voice steadier than I felt.

"Morning," replied one guard. "How can we assist you today?"

"I'm here for the training," I stated, my purpose clear in my mind.

"Your name?" the guard inquired, flipping through a notebook.

"Caroline Lenny," I answered.

"This way," he said, leading me through the sprawling castle grounds to the vast garden where I would begin to unravel the mysteries of my powers and perhaps, of my very existence.

We navigated through a labyrinth of doors and corridors until we reached the secluded back of the palace. A vast garden stretched before us, unfolding like a living tapestry. The scent of blossoming flowers infused the air, overwhelming my senses as I stepped into this verdant sanctuary. The garden, expansive and meticulously maintained, sloped gently towards a cosmic-blue river that shimmered with a magical essence. The ground felt soft under my sneakers, a comforting blend of mud and damp grass cushioning my steps. I ventured deeper, drawn by the serene beauty and the tranquil sound of the river's flow. Throughout the garden, training dummies marked with 'X's hinted at the area's dual purpose.

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