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Everyone was sitting down on the large and extended table in the dining room, silently eating the fancy looking food. The chairs were crafted out of American black walnut wood and they had a dark red cushion to sit on. The table was also American black walnut wood and it was polished out and crafted very delicately. The windows were long and covered with white, coral curtains from ceiling to floor. It was now dark outside and the chandelier on top of the dining table was enough to lit up the whole room. There was a white marble fireplace opposite the dining table that didn't have a single dash of ash. The room was clean and the floor was a dark shade of parquet, while a red carpet rested on top of it, filling almost the whole of the room. A few candleholders rested in the middle of the dining table. A few statues sat on the corners of the royal room.

"You're a beautiful girl Alexis," the Queen exclaimed with a big smile.

"Thank you," I- She muttered. "You have a wonderful home," She fiddled around with her food.

"Thank you, it has been part of our generations for years," The queen smiled and briefly scanned the room.

"Queen may I ask where your son is?" Father cleared his throat and smiled.

"He was with his horse a while ago but-" She was stopped by the sudden opening of the door. Under the double wooden door was Tyler. His hair was messy and a strand of it was on his forehead. His eyes scanned the room and they sparkled in the light. He wore a black, leather biker jacket that made his tanned skin lighter. The sleeves were rolled up reaching his elbows, showing off his popped veins. His eyes rested on hers and he half smiled. His stare made her uncomfortable and she shuffled on her chair. He slowly walked in the middle of the room, his footsteps strong and echoed in the silent room.

"Glad you could join us, son," The King smiled.

"I could never miss dinner with such a lovely family," He grinned and sat opposite her. She looked down and picked on her fingernails. I was nervous and very intimidated by him.

"So Prince Tyler, you like horses?" Mother smiled and chewed on her food.

"Yes ma'am, horses are amazing, beautiful and lovely animals," His British accent was now strong since he was being polite and royal like. He stared at her and took a bite of his food.

"Indeed, Alexis used to love riding horses when she was small," Mother smiled but her smile faded when she remembered me as a kid. I was a happy and a very social kid until the day my Father's bad side shown through him. It was the day of my 8th birthday. Every birthday he kept telling me how many years were left for me to turn 18. I never knew why he kept repeating the years until he locked me inside the room with the souls and spirits trapped in the box. They kept shouting and screaming at me to set them free. The voices haunted me forever... He just laughed and told me this would be happening until I killed my true love. I didn't want to kill anyone so I stopped talking to people from that day on.

She sighed and stood up from her seat.

"May I be excused for the bathroom?"

"Sure, dear." The King smiled and she walked rapidly towards the door. She found herself in a big hall and walked towards the garden.

She sighed in relief when the wind blew her golden, curly hair backwards. Her eyes closed as she breathed in and exhaled slowly.

"Hello?" A raspy voice was heard from the distance. She realized who it was and she run across the hall to a smaller version of a dining room. She closed the door and hid under the table. The door creaked open. His footsteps were careful and loud.She held her breath as he got closer.

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