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The morning birds chirped and the lazy, golden sun stared back at me as it darted its way up to the luminous sky. I turned around and I noticed the locked drawer opened with an antique, silver key that rested on the lock. My eyes followed the sigh that left her mouth. Her eyes were glossy as her hand held a white pen with ruffles on the tip. Her hand moved rapidly with the pen against a beautiful hardcover book that was made out of gold. She then stopped, made her pen disappear and repeated a few words before the book automatically shut itself closed. I stared at it as the carved art on the book changed and a locking sound was heard as the signal that it was sealed. She lifted the heavy looking book and placed it in the top drawer and twisted her wrist with the key against the lock. I stared at her and she made the key in her hand disappear. She rubbed her eyes and got up from the bed. She rushed in her walk-in closet and changed into a pair of jeans and a black crop top followed with her black converse. She stormed down the stairs and hurried outside before anyone could catch a glimpse of her...

She walked in the deep, green forest and her eyes closed as she breathed in the fresh air of soil and wet grass. She jumped across the small paddles and sprinted over the mud. Her converse got dirtier and dirtier as she started singing 'Words as weapons' by Birdy. I didn't know I could sing so well. She sounded like she had the harmonious, astonishing, magical voice of a mermaid. After was seemed like ages, she halted and stop singing. We were now at a very familiar place. It was deserted in the tallest mountain where you could see mostly everything. Her head dropped and she looked at the floor intensely before she stepped on the very same stone that Tyler stepped on the other night.The floor roared as it spreaded out below us. The stairs revealed themselves and she couldn't wait for them to completely form before she rushed down the stairs. Downstairs the place was very different. It wasn't dark and there weren't any colorful or bright lights. Just one light that lit the big and wide room. There was a DJ stand in the distance and there was no one except us. She shook her wand and everything on her body sparkled and a bright light emerged out of her body. My eyes were forced closed and when I opened them she was wearing a black leotard, skin color tights, a pair of faded, worn out point shoes and her hair was wrapped up in an elegant, steady bun. She was so happy- I was so happy. She had the biggest smile. I don't think I ever saw myself happier than right at this moment.

She snapped her fingers and a beautiful piece of music begun to play. It was such a comforting sound to listen to. She seemed to feel every single note coming out of that piano. Her eyes were now closed and her smile started to fade as her eyebrows raised in a calm expression. Her arms were now in 2nd position and she raised on her point shoes. She was now on full point and leaping across the room. She jumped and did incredible splits. My eyed widened and my mouth dropped to the floor.

Can I actually dance like that? Is that me?

I suddenly forgot to breath as her body moved liked she had no bones. I wanted to follow her. I wanted to dance like she is right now. But I was just a lost soul, reliving her lost memories.

I have to say. I have a lot of bad memories but this- this is incredible.

After what seemed like ages, she stopped dancing. Snapped her fingers and made the astounding, wonderful sound stop. She was back in her own clothes now and when we stepped outside, it was already starting to get dark.

She gasped and run towards the enchanting forest. She pushed away the branches that hung low from the ancient trees, stopping them from touching her delicate face. She run and didn't jump over the paddles this time. She jumped in them and ignored the splatter of water droplets that splashed on her legs. The house was now clearly seen in the distance as her breathing deepened. Her hands formed into fists and a purple light emerged out of them making me gasp. Before I could blink she formed perfect purple stairs leading her up to her balcony. She twisted her wrist in the air and her balcony door flung open as she swiftly entered her room.

She then took off her shoes and threw them in her closet before plopping down on her bed. I blinked several times as she grabbed a book, trying to catch her breath, acting like she had been there all along.

I sighed with relief with her because she made it back here on time before-

"I've been shouting for you, from downstairs!" He shouted as he stormed into the room. Her eyed widened and she snapped the book closed.

"Sorry, da- father I was just reading," She exhaled and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Do you know what time it it?" He crossed his arms.

"I'm going to get ready now Father. My clothes are already picked out," She stood up.

"Wear something nice. You're lucky the Queen and King agreed to meet you- again," He exhaled slowly. "Just try and make a good impression, don't humiliate me again." And with that he forced the bedroom closed. She flinched and walked towards her closet. She quickly scanned the closet and picked out a long black skirt that rested below her knees, a black, lace top, and her black stilettos. I didn't wear a lot of colorful clothes did I? She sighed and applied a delicate amount of make-up on her face and raised her curly hair in a high pony tail.

"Alexis, we're leaving!" The harsh voice made her jump and run down the stairs.

Hey guys, so I'm really excited about Alexis finally finding out about her past. She is just a spirit going through her locked memories. Don't worry, you will find out eventually how they got erased, who did it etc. If you have any questions just comment and I will be happy to answer them and even make them more clear in the story!

Don't forget to vote!

Can anyone guess which flashback will be played in the next chapter?

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