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I walked around in circles trying to figure out what to do. That dream was disturbing and what if it wasn't a dream but a memory? I had been in a cellar and there was no way out of it. I screamed and screamed, but nobody could hear me. The door was locked with a powerful spell that even I couldn't break. There was a letter next to where I was lying down in the cellar, but when I tried to reach it, the lights went off and there were voices whispering for me not to read it until I knew how to break the spell. I was trapped. I know. Even I'm confused.

I looked outside the large, framed window and the sun rising as the clock struck six. I decided to put on my trainers and go for a morning run. I tiptoed into my closet, carefully so I wouldn't wake up Aria and Rebecca.

I pulled a Nike t-shirt over my sports bra and put on my black Nike leggings. I then grabbed my phone and plugged my earphones in before closing the door behind me. I run downstairs hoping I wouldn't bump into Eric. Thankfully, I opened the entrance door, grabbed my house keys and jogged outside. The smell of flowers, soil and spring pervaded my nostrils and helped me forget my 'nightmare'. The birds were singing as I run through an unknown forest. In the forest, the sky vanished almost completely and only a few fragments of blue remained, like scattered pieces of a broken vase. The air was rich with the fragrance of leaves. The powerful, but soft and delicate rays of the early summer sun was replaced with a coolness and a calm breeze. The only movement was the occasional bird, startling in a tree, or a squirrel dashing up a trunk. The sound of my footsteps was soon replaced with the sound of running water in the brook. I took in all the air my lungs could hold and exhaled slowly. I looked up to see the remaining of the sky above the trees and saw the sudden change from a blue, luminous, clear sky to a cloudy, foggy and dismal sky. Tiny water droplets flattened on the emerald leaves.

I realized that I was far away from home and decided to take a turn in what looked like the road to the castle. I was jogging across the path while the rain came pouring down on me and I felt myself tripping over in the damp soil. I felt a sting on my knee and I looked down to see it. It was ripped and blood was streaming down my, soil covered, shin. I winced as I tried to get up. My blond hair was now covered in soil, and water droplets dripped from the tips. I looked over and to my surprise I saw a trap door below some yellow-orange rotten leaves.I quickly crawled over and opened it carefully and in an instant I fell down. I got up terrified of where I could've possibly been. It was pitch black and the room extended in the dark. A horrible smell reeked and the feeling of horror had me walking backwards until my wetback touched the wall. My breathing was getting deeper and my heart was pounding against my chest.

The sound of the trapdoor closing on top of me made me jump and scream. I looked up and the figure of someone blocked the only light that came through the trapdoor. The only thing that I could think of to do was scream.

Fear took over every inch of my body and I fell to the ground staring at the unknown figure.

"What do you want?" I cried and my knee ached from the fall.

No, answer. It stood there for several minutes and I stared at it for any movement. I shrieked when it moved and threw something towards me. To my surprise, the object floated in the air and landed on the hard, stony ground.

I reached for it but every time I tried to touch it there was a pounding in my head and the sound of screams making me shut my eyes hard until they hurt as much as my knee.

"Stop!" I screamed and the pounding and the screaming stopped. Silence. I lowered my hands and looked up to the figure.

"Remind you of something?" The figure said and I gasped. His voice was raspy and harsh. I knew deep down who it was. But it couldn't be.

"Dad?" I gasped.

"I told you, not to call me that!" He shouted and I shut my eyes hard.

"What do you want? How are you still alive?"

"No, questions. The way for me to let you live is by breaking the spell on the box,"

"What spell?!" I cried.

"Stop, acting like you have forgotten everything. You remember. I know you do," He said and kneeled down to the trap door. "I know you didn't tell anybody about the 'incident' when you were a child. So how could they make you forget about it?"

From the second, those very words left from his mouth an image of me 10 years ago, was revealed to me.

"Come on," He smiled.

"But, I don't know how," I sighed.

"Of course you do. You just do exactly what I told you to." He patted me on the back and led me to the room.

"But Dad," I paused, "I'm scared!"

"Didn't I tell you, that being scared means you are a coward! Didn't I tell you that being a coward gets you killed?" He said angrily.

"I don't want to die!" I cried and brought my hands to my face.

"You won't if you open the box," He shouted. My dad didn't know that the box can be opened only if my powers are fully accessed.

I looked up to him and I nodded.

"Come on then," He said and led me to the room that I had nightmares about for ages.

We walked in and it was just as I remember it. Just the familiar box, on the table and a chair for me to sit on, once again.

"Now, I have the letter in my pocket. When you are ready I will give it to you and you will have to read it," He said and sat me down on the chair.

"What if it doesn't let me read it, again?" I looked up to him, with glossy eyes.

"It will! This time, if you don't want to be a coward and if you don't want to die, you will read it and open the box!" He glared at me.

"But I haven't found my true love yet daddy. I'm not powerful enough to open the box of souls you killed as a hunter,"

"Didn't I tell you not to speak of what's inside it!" He screamed and poked my stomach hard.

"I'm sorry Daddy," I looked down and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Except if you want to be one of those souls,"

"Why me, Daddy?" I cried.

"Because you," He paused and pointed at me. "You stole the powers, that I should've had." He glared at me and walked across the room.

"I don't want them, Daddy! Take them!"

"You think, I would leave you have them?" He chuckled, "Of course I'm getting them! Just as soon, as you open the box and make your powers even stronger since you are too young to find your true love, I will keep trying to make you open it. Then I can get my powers and the others," He laughed.

I gasped and I saw my father smiling, pleasurably.

"Now you remember," He grinned.


Hey, guys! I worked really hard to think and write this chapter and I think it turned out pretty great! Please let me know if you think so too... I also changed the title and updated my summary! Hope you like it! Any questions can be asked in the comments!

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