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Bianca's pov

      I look up Into his dark green eyes that are mesmerizing I could look into them all day. "do you want me love?" i nod at him, he smirks and slaps my thigh "i want words baby, you need to tell me what you want." i blush and look down "i want you, Josh, please make me feel good." he hums in my ear and I feel the vibrations from his deep voice. He kisses down my neck to my chest and places soft kisses and I moan out and he chuckles " it's time to wake up love." I look at him confused " what?" he smiles "wake up bitch!" I scrunch my eyebrows. I gasp awake "what the fuck?" I see Javon and Joz at the foot of my bed "hmm so how was your sex dream?" I roll my eyes and slam back into my bed "i didn't get far because you woke me up." he laughs "let me guess it was our sexy bodybuilder?" I scoffed "you mean my sexy bodybuilder." they both squeal and jump on my bed and we all laugh "yeah yeah we are going out or whatever." I try to sound bored even though inside I am squealing with them.

         Joz rolls her eyes "well fucking finally I was beginning to think you'd grow into the crazy cat lady." Javon nods with her and I slap them both "just shut up." I say while laughing. My phone starts to ring and I smile when I see it, Josh I show them and they squeal and I tell them to get out and they both smirk knowingly. I answer "good morning Josh." I hear his husky laugh and almost bust from the sound of it "good morning gorgeous." I laugh and roll my eyes "you wouldn't say that if you saw me I look a mess, my hair is crazy and I look like I woke up from the dead." he laughs " love, I am positive you look like an angle when you wake up. Matter of fact send me a picture." I smirk "what are you going to do with said picture." he scoffs "to jerk off to duhhh, no I want to see how beautiful you look." I laugh and decided I want to be a little risky and push my shirt down a little so you can see my cleavage and snap a couple of pictures and send it to him. I hear him groan "don't do this to me sweetheart I don't have the energy." I laugh well then come over tonight for dinner and maybe you will have the energy." I think that maybe I did too much but I hear him laugh and I hear him groan "count me in sweetheart, when it comes to you I can't say no." I smile and blush "okay come at 6 p.m. And I will have dinner ready." he says okay and we say our goodbyes.

       I get up and jump on the bed while giggling and joz and Javon walk in and join. Joz says "why are er so happy?" me and Javon bust out laughing "Josh is coming over for dinner and I think I am going to take it to the next level." we all squeal and lay down and pick out my outfit but Javon insists we need to go get a sexy lingerie set and I agree because what can it hurt.
      We get to the mall and walk into some stores and try stuff on and if this was a movie it would be a great movie montage I laugh at my thought. We get to this store and I see this dark green set that is lace and I think I would look good in it but then the voices in my head say that it's too much and I am too fat in it. Joz looks at me then the set and grabs it and throws it at me "you better go try it on before I put it on you." I gape at her as nod being a little scared at the moment and Javon high fives Joz and I just run into the fitting room and try it on, I look in the mirror and I feel sexy it's nothing I've ever worn but I nod and tell them to come into the room and they squeal and nod. I go to buy it, they both say they're starving more so Javon his exact words were "if I don't get food right now I am going to kill someone." so we go to the food court but someone catches my eyes, Luca. He spots me and I wave at him and he waves back he walks up to me and hugs me i scrunch my eyes, weird he might just likes hugs "hey Bianca how are you?" I look at him and tell he looks a lot more comfortable in his surroundings "good good, how are you? How is everything have you gotten around the city?" he nods "yeah but I was hoping to go with you there are still some spots I wanted to go what do you say we go this week?" I nod what can it hurt? "Yeah what about this Thursday? We could go to lunch after?" he nods fast "that sounds great but I have to go I will kepo in touch." he walks away and I look at him weirdly and see he is on the phone looks angry I shrug and go to eat some Chinese.

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