Chapter 14

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"Deepak go wash your face it's dinner time." Deepak nodded his head and ran to the washroom.

"How are you feeling now?" Ragini nodded in yes to his question.

"Can I ask you something?" Harsha asked removing his shoes.

"What?" Ragini looked at him.

"After the registration, you fainted. The doctor said you were shocked and fainted. " Harsha asked.

"Wh...What?" Ragini stuttered listening to him.

"I said what did you see that shocked you that caused you to faint?" Harsha asked her more clearly.

"Well...I saw someone w...who was looking like my mo...moth...mother and I was shocked as well as scared thinking that they came to take me back." Ragin stuttered again. She dont wants anyone to know about her's and Janki's relationship. She thought its better to be like they are now like strangers.

"Oh, I thought something else." He mumbled to himself.

"You said something?" Ragini didnt hear him and asked again. Deepak also came out of the washroom.

"No nothing. I'll go fresh up and come down. You can go with Deepak or you can wait till I am fresh up and come. We can go together." Sarah wants to make her comfortable as much as possible.

"I think I am going to wait till you come," Ragini said and sat beside Deepak on the bed. Sarah nodded and went to freshen up. Harsha smiled shaking his head when he heard her answer.

They went down together. When their parents saw them coming down like a real family they felt very happy. They felt that Harsha and Deepak are completed with Ragini.

"Ragini dear, how are you feeling now?" Mrs. Ravi Rajvansh asked when they were seated.

"I am ok now, aunty." Everyone looked at her like she came from another world.

"Why are you calling me aunty? Now you should call me mom and Harsha's father as a dad, okay?" Mrs.Ravi Rajvansh said looking at her. Ragini only nodded her head.

All had their dinner. Harsha observed Ragini only spoke a little while having dinner. After a while, they sent Ragini and Harsha to their room. When Deepak was trying to go into their room Mrs.Ravi Rajvansh and Mrs.Janki Varma stopped him to which he got angry and went to his room and locked himself.

"Mom I think it is fine for him to sleep with us. Ragini on the other hand wants to sleep with Deepak but she couldn't escape from her mother.

"No. It's your first night today so enjoy. Leave him to us." Mrs.Janki Varma said to which Ragini only looked at her without any emotions.

"Dont try to embarrass my daughter. Ragini you go inside." Mrs.Ravi Rajvansh said dragging Mrs.Janki Varma along with her.

Taking a deep breath Ragini went inside but found the room empty. She looked around and went near a balcony and looked outside through the long glass but didnt go outside as it was cold.

"Why are you still standing there?" Hearing Harsha's voice Ragini turned around and found him half-naked. She turned around and closed her eyes.

"W...why are you naked?" Ragini said in a low and irritated voice which was noticed by Harsha. A smile formed on his lips which is not a kind one.

He slowly walked near her and stood right behind her. Ragini sensed his presence and her cheeks are slowly turning red.

"Why are you closing your eyes? You can see me all you want after all I am your husband." Harsha said in a husky voice right near her ear. She can hear her heartbeat and close her eyes to control her heartbeat.

Harsha saw what she is trying to do and hugged her by her waist. Ragini suddenly remembered Laksh and what he did to her and how he used her by using her body to get a divorce. Without knowing her tears fell on Harsha's hand.

He slowly turned her to face him and see that she closed her eyes and is crying.

"Ragini! Ragini!" He lifted her face by her chin. Ragini opened her teary eyes and looked into Harsha's eyes. She suddenly felt peace in her heart after looking into his eyes.

"What happened? Why are you crying?" He want to know why she was crying.

"Nothing! Just some memories." She tried to turn away but was held by him.

"You know I can't force you to tell me about your past but if you want to open up about yourself then don't forget I will always be there with you." Harsha held her by her cheeks and looked into her eyes.

"Thank you, Ha...Harsha." Ragini called him with his name. Harsha smiled at her.

"It's already late now. Let's go to sleep." Harsha said and Ragini gave him a small smile and nodded her head.

"Harsha! Where are you going to sleep?" Ragini doesn't want to have any awkwardness between them.

"What do you mean by where am I going to sleep? Of course, I will sleep in my room and that too on my bed." Harsha looked at her as if she is trying to throw him out of his room.

"Just kidding. But when are you planning to sleep?" She asked looking at the laptop in his hands.

"Oh, I just need to check a few emails. You carry on." Harsha sat on the chair near the balcony.

Ragini sat on the bed but was not sleepy. She leaned onto the pillow and scrolled through her mobile. She didnt even realize it and fell asleep in that position.

Harsha who complete his work came near bet and saw her in a discomfort position. He shifted her into a comfortable position and went to the other side of the bed to sleep. He turned to face Ragini and sighed.

"I know it's too early to get into a marriage after getting divorced and that to an unwanted marriage. But I promise you to keep you happy and I will always respect your, our marriage, and I will try to love you." Harsha says this and turned around showing his back to Ragini.

Ragini opens her eyes and looked at him. She woke up when he was shifting her and she heard everything.

['Thank you for coming into my life and giving me Deepak as hope to live my life again. If not for Deepak and you, I would have never seen my mother and I wouldn't have to get another family like this.']

She also closes her eyes thanking Harsha.

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