Chapter Fifteen: Babysitting Her

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I have classes early today but I'm not feeling too well. I manage to trudge to my chemistry class but I feel I'm going to split in half.

God, please send me an angel. I need help with my bag.

It's expensive and I can't just put it down on the floor.

I'm leaving.

I'll have to skip the remaining classes.

I lurch beside a tree.

Actually, I'm getting my period and it's really excruciating. Plus, I usually have PMS and that's not great.

'Hey. Are you okay?' Mia asks she walks toward me with Marie beside her.

'I need to leave,' I say.

I'm going to throw up.

I almost fall but Marie helps me regain balance.

'Fine. I'm calling Brion,' Mia says feeling my neck as she tries to get Brion to pick up.

'Adriana's sick. She really needs to leave,' she says like it's some kind of emergency.

'Where's she?' I hear him ask.

'We're beside the tree to the north of your car,' Mia looks around figuring the coordinates out.

He hangs up.

'He's coming right away,' she assures me.

Marie's stroking my hair gently.

Two minutes or so and Brion arrives.

'What?' he asks.

'She's sick, don't you see?'Mia asks.

He looks at me and takes his phone out.

'Beau, just fucking finish that shit for me,' he says.

'Why?' Beau asks.

'Something came up. Mia can explain,' he says and hangs up.

The cramps are getting severe. I can hardly walk but something tells me I won't have to bother about that.

Yes! Brion lifts me like a baby to his car.

Marie and Mia say goodbye and leave.

'I want to throw up,' I say as he starts driving.

'Couldn't you say that two minutes ago?' he asks pulling up in a safe place.

I get out and try to throw up but I can't.

'What is wrong with you?' he asks.

What the hell?

I can't tell him I'm getting my period!

'I'm sick,' I say.

'Just sick?' he asks.

'Yes,' I reply defensively.

He smirks and keeps driving.

I get on his bed the moment he takes me to his room. I expected him to drop me off at the dorm though.

I'm clutching my stomach. He looks at me and goes to his closet.

I think he's going back to school but he gets me sweat pants and sweat shirt.

Good observer.

I really needed something comfy.

He grabs his keys and leaves.

I wanna cry.
He really isn't skipping his classes, is he?

I literally just cry because it hurts and I feel weird because he's leaving me in here alone.

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