Chapter Thirty: Alcohol

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So a sorority is throwing a party and somehow, Claire and April managed to talk me into going. I mean, it can't be that bad.

We go shopping for dresses. I pick this:

'Claire?' I say, proudly showing off the dress

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'Claire?' I say, proudly showing off the dress.

'Awwn! I'm envious already. Where did you get that?' she asks.

'Come on,' I say.

'I've been so diligent, how come I didn't find anything this attractive?' she asks, her hands brushing through the dresses.

She sees one just like mine. It's black.

'OMG, I wish we could find one just like this for April!' she squeals.

We search and search. We find one almost the same design. April's gonna love it.

'I've worked my ass out and I still can't find a cute dress for a sorority party!' she whines walking towards me.

'Surprise!' I say.

'You, darling just got really lucky,' Claire says.

Her eyes brighten at the sight of the dress.

'It's adorable. Oh and these two almost look like it!' she screams. We leave afterwards and prepare for the party. Claire does my make up. Just like the first time we met.

The party starts at eight. We walk in, gorgeous as always.

Almost every guy is staring at us. I really don't want the attention right now.

I see a couple of guys at a corner. Hot guys. They close up around us as we pass by.

'Hey hotties,' they say, one of them already holding Claire's hand. She shakes off his grip.

'We're taken,' Claire snaps. Someone grabs my hand and another, April's.

'You heard her,' April spits.

I roll my eyes and we walk away.

'Look at that ass, will you? The one in pink,' one of them says as we leave. Well, if you didn't know before now, I'm the one in pink.

'Let's stick together, okay?' I tell them.

'Our boyfriends are fighters, what could happen?'Claire asks.

The leader of the sorority walks up to us.

'We need to talk to you girls,' she says.

'Yeah, next time try and be polite,' Claire sasses, beckoning us to leave with her.

'Wow. I have a feeling this party's gonna be great,' April says, sarcastically.

We go to an empty couch and sit.

'Let's get a drink,' April suggests, tiredly.

'Yeah,' Claire looks at me, asking for my opinion.

I nod. We get our drinks and walk back to the couch which is now filled with guys. Same hot guys we met earlier.
'Evening, princesses,' a guy with blue eyes just as Brion's says. Like three of them have their eyes on me.

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